Charmed announcement!

Hello everyone! I hope that October has been full of spooky joy for everyone.

On my end it has definitely been enjoyable, and productive! For one? I’ve finished Silver Eclipse’s third draft! For reference, there was the draft 13-12 years ago, and I… never edited it! At all! I’ve done that now, and it is in the hands of my editors! 🙂

It took a long time, and it got expanded by a fair bit, coming in around 140k! Pretty impressive for a story that was originally 81k! The original was plenty good, but in my humble opinion it was still an amateurish work. I feel like the new draft gives a reader a lot more to sink their teeth into!

That said, this blogpost’s big announcement is that I will be attending the Baltimore hypnocon Charmed! 2019! I hope to be there with books, and some swag like pens and bookmarks. That sounds like a fair bit of fun. We’ll see on those details, but I know for sure that I’m looking forward to meeting people, and being seen in public as the Madam Kistulot!

Given my fame is very digital, I don’t really get recognized in public! I look forward to the new experience.

To learn more about Charmed! you can go to their website here!

For now though, that’s all of the excitement that I have to offer! Don’t forget that there are two of my Halloween stories now available, Wanting S’more, and Be Yasmine, both links to where you can get them, and Volume 2 of Pocket Watches and Glazed Eyes: Twenty Tales of Erotic Mind Control!

Until next time, take care of yourselves… and eachother!

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