Silver Girl Excitement!

Hello again, everyone!

So, I’m a fair bit Silver Girl focused at the moment, but can you blame me? The dream of having a row of Silver Girl on my shelf is a not insignificant reason why I wanted to get into publishing.

I figured that I should try talking about The Adventures of Silver Girl a little bit more, in a different way. Even though I’ve gotten a lot of great responses to it since, at the time it was originally more mixed. The writing had a lot of problems with it originally-paragraphs were the same size and shape, paragraphs weren’t split very smoothly, and there was some criticism over the lack of outright sex.

While later stories are far more than merely explicit, the original Adventures of Silver Girl isn’t the most full of depictions of sex. Sex clearly occurs, but it isn’t the primary focus of the erotica. The mind control is the focus of the erotica. We follow a first person ride to explore the way the mind control effects Silver on a very intimate, personal level. Though more sex fills later stories, it still does so in an effort to express and explore the mind control more than merely for the eroticism that may be inherent to the act.

Silver Girl has always been a story that lived on its variety of methods, and on the way our heroine experiences them… and the way she grows as a person throughout the series. This may just be part one, but early next year we’ll be seeing the release of Silver Eclipse, a story I’ll talk about more when that’s released.

Of the original Silver Girl’s cast, perhaps the character that has always been the most powerful is The Lady. The woman at the top of those 100 stories, the woman in charge of Chronos, the power that The Lady wields is not to be underestimated. That said, Pink and Dust are memorable characters that many have loved over the years, and been happy to call their favorites. Between the two, I might be more partial to Dust, but Pink has a special place in my heart, too.

So while there’s far more to see in Silver Girl, I think I’ll leave it at that for now. Unfortunately while Silver Girl being released is a very exciting experience, I’m spent this week, and a good chunk of last week, fighting off a very frustrating illness.

Next week, the third volume of my erotic mind control shorts series will be released! In the meantime, however, please take a look at The Adventures of Silver Girl here on amazon… and why not feel inspired to do so by this little piece of art commissioned from Mute Alice to commemorate the release?

Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!

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