Hard Work and Child’s Play

Hello again, everyone!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday if you had one, and if not, that you enjoyed yourselves regardless! My time was amazing, and while you won’t get much of a blow-by-blow, I can say that Chelicerate is as lovely in person as she is a wonderful writer. That should tell you all that you need to know!

As for today… well, I’m at a bit of a loss! There’s so little left in the year, you know? I should be finishing my goal of writing a million words in 2018 very shortly. I would have sooner, but needing to move and dealing with some other things hit my productivity a touch more than I would have liked. That said, this month has been incredibly productive, and things have continued on their upswing!

Things to look forward to next month?

A sequel to one of my fan favorite works, more flashes… and the introduction of a new series that I think you’ll all quite enjoy! I don’t want to spoil too much!

Not sure what else to talk about today! I’ve been so nose down in my work that I haven’t stumbled across much interesting… Oh. I know what I can call attention to…

Have any of you seen the full Chuckie franchise? Not the modern remake in progress of course, but from Child’s Play 1 to Cult of Chuckie? It’s a horror series that actually gets better as it goes on…

Wanna see a little glimpse of something hot from the last film to make you curious just why I feel the last movie shows glimpses of the mind control fetish?

Take a look right here: https://imgur.com/b8q2dmA

But I think that this blog will be a little light. Sorry! I’m focused on putting out content, which I just realized I’m basically already running two pen names? Between the EMCSA and Amazon, I’ve been doing my best to put things out for two names a month, all the while trying to look for new ways to grow as a writer, and to expand what I’m doing.

Feel free to check out my patreon if you want to support my free efforts, by the way!

But for now, take care of yourselves, and each other. I’ll be back next week with a new post 🙂


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