One Week Until Charmed!

Hello, everyone!

Next week, at this time, I’ll be in Baltimore to go to Charmed! the Baltimore hypnosis con. There’s bound to be a lot of good fun there, making new friends, hopefully meeting fans… lots of good fun!

In the meantime I’ve been spending this week getting as much of my Amazon and Patreon workload going as I possibly can. This weekend on the EMCSA has the second half of “In A Dark Place” going up. The first half was enjoyed, so I hope you’ll enjoy the second, too!

Also this week I’ve released the fifth volume of Pocket Watches and Glazed Eyes: Twenty Tales of Erotic Mind Control. You can find it on amazon, here!

This next week is going to have an exciting story being released, so be sure to keep a watch on to see what it is before anyone else! I think a lot of people will be very excited. It might not be Silver Eclipse, the next of the Silver Girl stories, but let me just say tht if you enjoyed Silver Girl… you might still be excited.

I’m not sure what else to talk about for the moment. My mind is all jumbled up, focused very heavily on my travels from Portland to Baltimore. I’ll be swinging by San Diego on the way, for some reason, but I have a long time between the flights so it should be okay. I leave next Wednesday at night, and arrive in Baltimore at 6am.

I’ve never been to another time zone. I’ve never left the west coast, to be honest! I’ve been to Washington, and California (where I was born), but I’ve never been to anywhere else in the world. It’s a bit of a thing. What’s it like to go to the future? What are airlines like anymore? I only flew on two amidst the same trip to and from California when I was a child, but I really don’t know what they’re like on a personal level, not anymore. That was over twenty years ago. Gosh saying that makes me feel old.

Over on the Mind Control Literature Discord that I administrate, we’re talking about EyeofSerpent’s first Ancients story this weekend. You should drop by, and join in! Click this link HERE and join up!

I think that’s all for now! Take care of you and yours, and I’ll be back with more next week!

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