Miracles, Birthdays, Life

Hello, everyone!

Getting this out a bit earlier. I’ve been bad about this lately–sorry! Life has kinda been giving me a beating, and I have mostly been just trying to get myself back together from this horrible illness that is still somewhat lingering… while dealing with a fair few family issues that have been greatly diminishing my capacity to be the most effective at my work. I’m sorry that you’ve all suffered the consequences of this.

The good news is all I have left is a cough. The bad news is I still have a cough, and the people I care about are going through a lot. It’s rough, not fun, but I’m doing my best to persevere… it just affects my ability to be the most productive, sadly.

Hopefully I’ll be caught up soon and pushing past it all.

This week I released the second Romancing Roses story, Rose Miracles!

Rose Miracles is a story of lesbian romance, mind control, and non monogamous relationships. Check it out on Amazon here!

I have another Rose story all ready for next week… and hopefully things in life will calm down in general very soon. That’s my hope, and I’ll have more to talk about very soon.

Until then?

Take care of you and yours, everyone!

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