Last Post of 2019!

Hello, everyone!

This time next week it’ll be 2020, can you believe it? I barely can. It’s crazy to imagine, really… So much has happened this year. I went to a hypnocon, met some fans in person, released Silver Eclipse and The Memory Remains among other tales…

There was an extended rough patch in there unfortunately, but life isn’t always smooth sailing. I’m sure sooner or later it’ll be useful feelings for a story.

I also spent a month so miserably sick I’m pretty sure I was close to being in severe danger. I cannot remember a time whee I tried to stand up only to pass out and wake up on the floor. That’s definitely going to be useful experience for writing.

A lot of exciting stories are coming from me soon, too! Next year we’ll be seeing the release of The Argent Road, the short stories that will lead up to the next major Silver Girl novel–The Argentum Project. So much is on the horizon…

I hope you all had a lovely holiday, and will have a lovely new year.

Also, a new story of mine was released and already has a lovely review that I think sums it up nicely:

This review may be short and to-the-point…? But I think it sums up Nyan well. If that sounds fun to you? You’ll like Nyan.

Nyan on Kindle!

Find Nyan here on Amazon!

For now, that’s me! I hope that you enjoy Nyan, and my stories to come. For the meantime… I need to get some sleep, and hit the ground running on some new words when I wake up!

Take care of yourselves and each other… and I’ll see you next week!

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