On to February!

Hello, everyone!

I’d like to apologize for missing last week. Unfortunately, in spite of one’s best efforts, sometimes life can just be incredibly wicked, twisted, cruel, and pick the worst moments to kick us in the teeth. I don’t think that I would have had anything useful to say in that state.

However, we’re almost through the first month of the year! Another eleven to go, and we’ll move on to 2021. A part of me has already lost track of the year in that direction once-or-twice. A little embarrassing, right?

Next month is my birthday. Turning 33! That’s a big one, right? I’m saying it is, because it sounds and feels like one to me specifically. Maybe that’s silliness. It’s hard to tell about these sorts of things.

I’ve been watching my way through Star Trek Discovery as of late, and there is a lot of good content for people with our fetishes in there. Maybe it isn’t presented as sexy, but I don’t imagine people would disagree there’s plenty to love. I feel like this series has been under watched so I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, but it feels vitally important to accept the idea that it is full of some very sexy things.

A cyborg with direct control over individual memories is the only one I’m willing to share and spoil.

If you haven’t watched Discovery, you owe it to yourself for some amazing fetish fuel.

Next week another story drops… and each day we get closer to the next release in the Silver Girl universe. I hope that you all enjoy.

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