No Exciting news… mostly!

Hello, everyone!

So, I don’t have the most exciting news to offer up. Progress on rewrites and the like has continued, as has the occasional bit of work to new projects that I hope you’ll all still get to see this year!

While I don’t have a lot to show in those regards at the moment…

I do have some excitement to report! Namely, that if you like my writing, I’ve been helping a writer who is writing a story right up my alley with editing/revisions! Namely, Modren!

This weekend should see the releases of chapters 2 and 3, and I look forward to seeing the story continue! If you enjoy my work, then I’d recommend giving Modren’s story here a look. A very promising up and coming author, and I think you should read, and give feedback!

That’s me for this week, but hopefully I’ll have more exciting to share soon! 🙂

Take care of you and yours!

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