Interruptions, Delays, Trying to Get Back on Track

Hello, everyone!

It’s been a bit, and quite unintentionally.

Stories have continued to release if at a less than ideal pace, and a new wrench got thrown into everything. A bit back I started getting an intense pain in a tooth, extreme cold sensitivity, and it turns out… I needed a root canal. Thankfully the procedure itself went smoothly (apparently I have “long teeth” according to the dentist–which is news so me but who am I to argue?) but it’s just been the start of some unknown dental troubles to solve.

Thankfully, that procedure went fine, but there’s a lot more I’ve had to deal with since. Take it from me–don’t put off dentist visits, even during a pandemic.

A very dear friend has been dealing with COVID, and it’s been absolutely terrifying. I’d hoped the lasting effects were being overstated, but that seems to, unfortunately, not be the case. Hopefully it ends up not being permanent.

Life’s felt both like it’s going so fast, and paused at the same time, making production slow and be somewhat… difficult at times. I know we all need some good erotica when times are tough, but between dental work, extreme stress, and what feels like so many things I’m forgetting, it’s all getting a bit clogged…

But I’m doing my best to keep going!

I’ve been helping with editing on Modren’s “Whiteout” series over on the EMCSA still, and I’ve been trying to catch up on some reading myself. If anything stands out as far above the board, I’ll be sure to share it here.

She-Ra’s final season dropped, but don’t worry–that didn’t cause much delay–watched it all in two settings. I don’t want to spoil anything, but as anyone might expect after the end of last season, well… you may wish to check this season out. It’s pretty amazing.

I really feel like I should have more to add on, but I’m somewhat at a loss. Really do hope to be keeping this schedule a bit better. My apologies for delays, but I imagine most of us are a bit off kilter at the moment.

Here’s to things improving, soon.

Until then, best wishes, and I’ll see you all again soon!

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