Writings Getting A Little Easier

Hello, everyone!

I know activity from me has been slow, and I am really sorry about that. During times like these I know that having a world, a story, something to lose one’s self in is really important and I’ve been slacking on doing my part to help with that… but it’s getting a little easier.

This year has been hard for everyone. I don’t think I speak only for myself in saying that. The ongoing pandemic has both been a horrible problem, and a catalyst setting off unexpected problems that didn’t need to happen–even in the face of such a problem. The dominoes can be exhausting to watch fall.

But you aren’t alone, and you’ve got plenty of us here to help!

My stories might be slow to come out, but you should be over in the MCLiterature discord here: https://discord.gg/JyafaCD

Every week we have people reviewing stories and pointing out things you just can’t afford to miss!

I’m going to recommend you all read Modren’s Whiteout if you haven’t. It’s a CB story and I’ve given a little input here or there, so I’m biased, but I think you’ll all agree it’s hard to NOT be biased in this situation. It’s good stuff. if you want to get new chapters faster you can subscribe to their patreon over here!

You also really need to read HypnoticHarlequin’s latest. It’d be a shame if more people didn’t read her AMAZING work!

That’s all for me, but more is on the horizon… so stay tuned!

Until then, take care of yourselves, and eachother!


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