Hello, everyone!
Times are stressful all around, but you’re getting that enough from every other direction. My stance on current events is pretty well known, I’d like to hope. If not, check my twitter, it makes things exceedingly clear.
But November is always an exciting time of year for me, because fifteen years ago, in 2005, November is when I first published Silver Girl to MC Stories! Before going into that any further, I’m going to drop a link to the latest story in the series, the fourth volume of The Argentum Project!
Out now on Amazon and Smashwords, pick up a copy today to see where Patina’s adventures take her next!
But back to Silver Girl’s history a tiny bit. It isn’t too widely known, but the first place Silver Girl was published was actually on Deviant Art of all places! Back in the early 2000’s I used to put the occasional bit of fiction up there and was involved with a corner of the MC community there. It wasn’t very large at the time, and it was much more focused on images, but there were a few of us pervs hanging out, making things deviant.
That was where I met Angie, the woman who originally created Pandora. She was always just on loan to me, but I appreciated the opportunity to help there be more of a character I really enjoyed. Through roleplay, Pandora and Silver Girl got up to all sorts of shenanigans back in the day. It was a lot of fun!
While Silver Girl was first on Deviant Art, putting text there was a simple matter of copying over rich text, without any special spacing between paragraphs. This meant when I brought things over to the EMCSA and took it down from Silver Girl, I missed… a “few” paragraph breaks, at time making dialogue a mess.
It really surprises me sometimes, looking back, that Silver Girl ever caught on to be the strange little thing it is!
Three Silver Girl books began their life as roleplaying transcripts that were enhanced, twisted, tangled together… and the first drafts of these often had very clear breaks between the players involved. These rewrites have in part been to smooth that jarring aspect, as well as enhance how many times a scene was originally written far more bare bones.
Before I began work on this project, I’d always said I wouldn’t “George Lucas” these stories. They were loved, after all, and changing them too much might make that magic go away.
Over time, I’ve come to realize there’s a big difference between one man taking a collaborative art project and making it fit his vision, and a woman who wrote a story between the ages of 18 and 20 trying to make it not so rough. I’ve kept to the notion of never altering the sequence of events through removing content, or adding contradictory content. It could be argued that adjusting Sarah’s attitudes here or there to be less backwards might change some things, but it’s impossible to not write things from an adult perspective and realize how backwards some things I thought really were. These things have had to change, but the story itself remains the same, if, in my opinion, doing a better job of living up to its potential.
So far all of the feedback I’ve gotten for this project has been immensely positive, and it’s been making me really happy! I’ve been working really hard so that this time next year? We’ll be able to look back, see all of the original Silver Girl series published in a new format, all of it be available in paperback… and then we get to see new stories told!
Through the rest of this month I’ll probably be waxing nostalgic about this series here, so I hope you continue to enjoy these little drifts back into the process of getting from The Adventures back in 2005 to The Argentum Project’s re-release now in 2020!
Take care of yourselves and each other, and happy reading!