Silver Girl’s Anniversary Continues!

Hello, everyone!

This month has continued to be pretty great for Silver Girl’s 15th anniversary! Before I share some of that, I’d like to start out by linking to the latest volume of The Argentum Project., the latest in the series’ rerelease!

The Argentum Project Volume 5: Familiar Settings & White Panties
The Argentum Project Volume 5: Familiar Settings & White Panties

Available on Kindle, and on Smashwords, check it out now!

But on to other things! Two very kind fans commissioned some surprise artwork! One of them was Modren a writer I rather enjoy myself, who commissioned this classic picture of the heroine!

Silver Girl drawn by @SadSimpli
Silver Girl drawn by @SadSimpli

I think this does a lovely job of showing off her monochromatic look, her powers… she just looks all kinds of adorable here, doesn’t she?

If you want a bit more than that, there are some more pictures I have yet to put up on my website, including a very sexy picture of Pink? You can check out the Silver Girl Subreddit! I didn’t start it up, but hey, it’s full of lots of good stuff, so give it a glance!

As for more thoughts on Silver Girl to go with this week? When I began writing Silver Girl, I’d always wanted to write novels, big, long, dramatic novels full of intrigue and action and drama. Silver Girl was the first time I really felt like I was on the right track, making something that really worked. It wasn’t the first novel draft I ever completed, but it was the first that didn’t feel like it had any random, weird problems.

Silver Girl has always been a series about exploring fetishes, and exploring the journey of mind control. Characters are mentally manipulated all the time, but it isn’t every story in the genre that really follows the long term effects, the way that a character would adapt and shift and grow. Most mind control stories end with the principle characters pretty thoroughly fucked in a way that doesn’t allow for much follow-up, but I didn’t want Silver Girl to end after just one volume.

More than once people wanted Silver to stay with a certain owner, or in a certain situation. That always felt fair enough to me, but also like it somewhat missed the point. I’ve always tried my best to fully indulge a sequence. This is something I feel much better at now than I was when I started, but it’s always been the goal. When Sarah moves on to the next situation, it’s because from where she started, there’s nowhere else to take it that isn’t redundant.

That isn’t to say there isn’t a way to revisit the same characters, or the same ideas… just that for Sarah, any more with that owner would be more of the same. That doesn’t mean it would be bad, but it means those sections are still there, ready to be read again, and again.

More recently I’ve been taking commissions that explore some of these ideas from a new angle. For example, if you want more Mind Bore? Check out Rewired over on the EMCSA! A story featuring a Chronos favorite will be uploaded there soon, and even sooner on my Patreon if you’d like to see it sooner.

For now, that’s me! I have a lot of writing to do! I hope you’ll be back again next week!

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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