Prequill drips onto the page!

Hello, everyone!

As you may already know? My latest release, the final story in the Ink Slick Preamble, is now available!

Prequill available now!
Prequill available now!

Pick up your copy on either Smashwords or Amazon!

Prequill is a very important story, finally giving us a better glimpse at Yana N Ritter than we’ve even seen in Blotted Lace, and well… I won’t spoil any more than the synopsis, but this story is very revealing.

I hope you all enjoy.

The process of rewriting, and rereleasing Silver Girl with the polish and effort it always deserved has been very rewarding, and that may be best exemplified by this series. I’ve always adored the inky tales most of all, which never denigrates the others, and seeing them like this has been immensely gratifying. The response has been as thrilling this time as it was the first.

Do you know I was actually incredibly self conscious that no one else would find ink compelling as a mind control method?

In other news, ROM and the EMCSA are going to get another fun superhero story this weekend, and I recommend keeping your eyes peeled!

If you want to know more, and see things in advance? Consider supporting my Patreon!

I’ve been reading a lot of Iago lately on the EMCSA, so expect some thoughts about those stories here soon enough! But for now?

Take care of yourselves, and each other!

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