End of April, Second Shot!

Hello, everyone!

The end of April is upon us! That’s not exactly exciting, but it does mean that we’re through 4 months of 2021, or a whole third of the way through the year. Doesn’t that feel just… impossible?

Well if it does to you, then we’re on the same page!

Today I’ll be getting my second vaccine shot, so that’ll finally be out of the way, too, which is great all around because the first one wasn’t that fun and while I’ll be down for the booster, I’ll be happy to have it behind me. 🙂

This year has just flown by so far, with so many releases that I’ve been excited to share for a while, and so many more to come… a woman can’t help but be a fair bit excited!

As a part of my own reading, as I mentioned before, I’ve been going back and going through some of Iago‘s old work. It’s really fascinating the way that they can so effectively make lesbianism into a cosmic horror? That’s basically the way I would describe their work, and I mean that in the most complimentary way that I possibly can. One won’t find the a lot of the traditional trappings of an mc story, but what they’ll find instead is a cosmic erotic horror of sorts, and it’s pretty great for that.

Various things have made me somewhat slow to get through much of it, but the five stories I’ve read through so far have this incredibly devious energy to them. From a Chain Letter morphing a woman’s comprehension of reality, to a reporter getting in over her head with a cult, to a twisted neurologist… Gosh, if you want to see a mind control story that is very uninterested in exploring “how” and just why and what.


Don’t forget you only have one last month to get in on the sale for Debased! It ends next week, and then the next sale will begin for May!

This week over on my Patreon the second half of “Why Buy the Cow When You Can Make Your Own?” will be available, and on ROM/the EMCSA, you’ll be getting to read Elven Mundanity, a followup to my story Elven Superiority.

There’s a lot of great writing still to come from me this year! On Tuesday the compilation Ink Slick Preamble drops! I’m so excited to have it on my shelf, and I hope at least some of you are, too!

But that’s all for me this week! Until next time?

Take care of yourselves, and each other! 🙂



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