Heatwaves Aplenty!

Hello, everyone!

This week didn’t see a new release from my epublishing side of things, but there’s one just around the corner so you should be very excited about that! More Ink Soaked Penumbra and Volume 4 is one of my favorite things that I’ve ever written.

That might be silly to say, since it shines a bad light on things ahead, but it’s not that I haven’t written other things that are just as sexy or just as full of delicious character development. I put a lot of my heart and soul into everything that I write!

Volume 4 of Ink Soaked Penmubra is just very special for the exact things it explores, the exact nature of Sarah’s identity, and what it means for her to decide who she is and who she wants to be. It’s meaningful, painful, and uplifting. It also has some good, sexy shenanigans.

I hope you all enjoy it even half as much as I do!

Tomorrow on my Patreon at the $10 level I’ll be releasing the second half of Lifted Up to Surrender, a very fetishy story full of mind control, tight clothing, and lesbian sex. For my $5 patrons, Jade in Repose, a story looking at Jade from Silver Eclipse, will be available in epub, mobi, and pdf formats.

Not the most exciting to talk about at the moment, I’m afraid! I’m really suffering from the heat, and while new writing should continue unabated… gosh, do I wish it was cooler!

Take care of yourselves, and each other… and I hope you continue to enjoy!

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