Brand New Silver Girl, All Packed Up!

Hello, everyone!

I’m very excited to remind anyone unaware, or who missed it, that the first new Silver Girl series in the Complete Adventures has been released… Flash Friction!

Flash Friction, volume 1 of To Patrol and Control, available now!
Flash Friction, volume 1 of To Patrol and Control, available now!

Now available on both Smashwords, and Amazon!

And even more exciting news?

Next week’s story is ALSO brand new!

While the Adventures of Silver Girl was originally written from 2005-2007, spanning about 700,000 words give or take, this version has been dramatically refined for the 2018-2022 rerelease. While Dusty Origins was already a new story, it isn’t exactly a part of that series chronologically.

This week’s Flash Friction, and next week’s In Over Her Head? Those are as in continuity as it goes.

To whet anyone’s appetite for Flash Friction that doesn’t already want a copy? It was written largely because I felt it was unfortunate that Olivia and Valerie never had a chance to interact… and I set out to solve that.

Flash Friction?

That… is a surprise! You can read the description on Smashwords and add it to your library, or preorder it on Amazon!

And this weekend, we begin… sex ninjas on ROM/EMCSA! If you want to see more of it sooner, then drop me some dosh over on Patreon, and at 10$ or more, you’ll have a bunch of it dropping into your lap already!

As for anything else, well… I’m moving next week, so this week has been heavily devoted to packing.

That means I don’t have much more exciting to say, but I am pretty excited. Now you may say “Carin, why are you fully packed on the Thursday a week before you move?” and I would say “Because my anxiety demanded no less!”

So next blog will either be going up VERY early in the morning, or late at night… because I’m moving to Beantown!

That’s all for now from me! In the meantime, take care of yourselves and each other, and either join me over on Mind Control Literature, or my private server, The Madam Kistulot’s Domain, if you’d like to chat with myself or other fans of my writing!

Until next time!

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