New Desk, New Post!

Hello again, everyone!

This is my first blog post utilizing my new desk! I’m very happy about my new setup, and I expect it will help me get a lot of very productive things going in short order. That always makes me pretty happy.

Next week we’ll be seeing part 3 of To Patrol and Control drop, and that will be pretty great! It’s the first of the original stories from this part of the Silver Girl series, and I’m looking forward to that as I hope you are, too!

If you want to pre-order it on Amazon you can do so here, or add it to your library on Smashwords here!

While I finally have a desk and not a table (that’s also used for card games and meals!) I’m still settling in. Time is blurred, but it’s less a matter of the exact time, and more a lot of things coming up.

But don’t you worry, I have plenty of good smut coming your way!

In addition to next week’s Obedience over Matter, this weekend everyone on ROM or the EMCSA will get the finale of the Sex Ninjas. For people subscribed to the $10 tier or higher on my Patreon? You get a fun, sexy new story of corruption, naughtiness, and clothing fetishry. You can check out my Patreon here!

I have a lot more in store, and you’re all going to absolutely love what I have in mind!

But for now? Take care of yourselves, and each other.

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