Rivalry’s End

Hello again, everyone!

I hope that you’re all doing exceptionally well! If not, I hope that things only improve from here for all of you.

Next week, we’ll finally be halfway through Red Moon Rising, and Volume 5 is one heck of a volume. So much has been done to our Silver Girl, and the Nesatealia are going to put her to work for them.

Will she obey without error, find some new way to resist, or be overcome by her trusted friends?

To find out…?

Preorder Red Moon Rising Volume 5: A Taste of Red on Amazon!
That, or add it to your library on Smashwords!

Also, starting next month?

The $30 tier on Patreon will also enable you to not only get my stories for MCStories/ROM two weeks early… but also to get your hands on a copy of each ebook as they release!

So there’s never been more convenient time to follow my writing! Spoiled for choice!

That said, what’s happening on my Patreon this week you ask?

Tomorrow, my $5 patrons will get to read the final two chapters of Rivaled Methodologies, getting to see just what happens to everyone involved in that twisted tale of mind control, intelligence reduction, and sapphic bliss.

My $10 patrons will get to read Erotic Adventures in Deep Space: The Capture of The Gwennan. This is a story of sexy alien mind control and sex. Something for everyone there.

My $15 patrons will get to take the first look at One Last Pill. It’s a somewhat more somber story, one of reflection, addiction, and erotic surrender. Fun, if melancholy. I think you’ll all like it, despite how heavy it may sound–mostly because it is.

That’s a lot of fun things coming right around the corner, and that’s just a start. So much more will follow! Red Moon has another five volumes to drop, and you haven’t seen the last of super heroine lust from me this year. There’s a lot to be very excited about coming in short order.

Plus there’s a very long story coming soon to Patreon, and you’ll all be sure to love it!

And for those of you who like art based on my characters?

A very sexy piece by Hinton Blitz will be dropping on my website on Tuesday to coincide with the new release! It’s a very large, very sexy piece, and I think you’ll enjoy all of them.

So that’s me for this week, but if you subscribe to my Patreon you’ll also get to read what I’m up to this week! If you’d like to chat with myself or other fans of my writing? You can stop by my discord server! We’d all love to chat!

Until next time?

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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