A Taste of Red and Space

Hello again, everyone!

This week shows the release of Red Moon Rising Volume 5: A Taste of Red! It’s a new volume that explores just what the very mind controlled Silver Girl will do when her strings are pulled.

Red Moon Rising Volume 5: A Taste of Red is available now!
Red Moon Rising Volume 5: A Taste of Red is available now!

Pick up your copy today on Smashwords, and Amazon today!

If you’re loving Red Moon Rising and eager to see what happens in Volume 6? Preorder a copy of Volume 6: Shimmering Self-Help on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords! Alternatively? Follow my Patreon at the $30 level, and get every Smashwords and Amazon release as they drop!

What else is coming from me this week?

Tomorrow, my $5 Patrons will get a chance to read Erotic Adventures in Deep Space: The Capture of The Gwennan, a story about a ship traveling through space that encounters some unexpected alien contact… and what happens next gets hot, and mesmerizing. My $10 patrons get to read One Last Pill, a story about a woman’s addiction to mind controlling drugs. My $15 and up patrons get to read the first part of Path of Least Resistance, a story that returns to a character from Midas City that I’ve written before, but this time their path will be much different, showing what happened if she wasn’t caught by Mind Bore’s drones.

If you want to read all of these stories in epub as early as possible?

Support my Patreon and you’ll get just that!

If you want to chat with me and other fans of my work, you can stop by the Madam Kistulot’s Domain discord!

There’s a lot more writing coming from me, and if you want to read more of what I’ve been up to? You can stop by my Patreon where I’ll be writing a blog post about what I’ve been writing this week!

That’s all from me, at least here, for now!

Look forward to more coming next week!

Until then? Take care of yourselves, and each other!

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