A mass of new words!

Hello, everyone!

I’m getting this blog post written up early for once–can you believe it? It’s been a long time since that’s been the case.

I have very good news! My latest story that’ll be going up on Amazon is currently sitting with my editor! Once she gets it back to me, and I throw together a little cover? A little formatting and I’ll be submitting it! It’s a longer one, over 20k, while not being part of the Silver Girl series or anything I would call a novel.

But that said? It’s definitely somethin’ else! I have a feeling that you’re all really going to dig it. It’s a bit of a different direction than a lot of my other works, but not in a way that screams change–just a way that screams variety.

Look forward to some delicious magic, and some pointed ears in the near future.

That said, in terms of Silver Girl related projects I have made some very good progress towards getting back towards the next major Silver Girl project. Unfortunately it’s still a little ways off, but not as long as it was before! Stay tuned for more on that!

There’s a LOT of writing coming from my fingers lately. I want to say a good three stories have dripped from my fingers in the last couple weeks, and that’s not including some flash fiction for the next compilation, and the start of another series I’m looking forward to debuting on Amazon… sometime soon? I’m trying to juggle a lot right now and hopefully if I can pull it off for just a little longer we can all get something truly amazing.

I hope you’ll stick with me for that process.

Until then, I recommend you stop by the MCLiterature discord! The discussion about new MC Stories has really been growing there lately and you don’t want to miss out!

Also until then?

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Writings Getting A Little Easier

Hello, everyone!

I know activity from me has been slow, and I am really sorry about that. During times like these I know that having a world, a story, something to lose one’s self in is really important and I’ve been slacking on doing my part to help with that… but it’s getting a little easier.

This year has been hard for everyone. I don’t think I speak only for myself in saying that. The ongoing pandemic has both been a horrible problem, and a catalyst setting off unexpected problems that didn’t need to happen–even in the face of such a problem. The dominoes can be exhausting to watch fall.

But you aren’t alone, and you’ve got plenty of us here to help!

My stories might be slow to come out, but you should be over in the MCLiterature discord here: https://discord.gg/JyafaCD

Every week we have people reviewing stories and pointing out things you just can’t afford to miss!

I’m going to recommend you all read Modren’s Whiteout if you haven’t. It’s a CB story and I’ve given a little input here or there, so I’m biased, but I think you’ll all agree it’s hard to NOT be biased in this situation. It’s good stuff. if you want to get new chapters faster you can subscribe to their patreon over here!

You also really need to read HypnoticHarlequin’s latest. It’d be a shame if more people didn’t read her AMAZING work!

That’s all for me, but more is on the horizon… so stay tuned!

Until then, take care of yourselves, and eachother!


Really, really intend to post more…

Hello, everyone!

I’m sorry that, again, there has been such a delay on new posts from me! 🙁

I do, however, have some good news to offer up…! After so long I have actually written a new draft of something…! It’s going to be going up on my Patreon before it goes up anywhere else as a reward to everyone there who has been so patient while I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with it and utterly failing to have a useful answer.

This new draft is very fetish fuel indulgent, but what’s wrong with that? My plans are to try switching my patreon to a model that allows for regular work on short-and-long form fiction, with a leaning towards the latter, removing flash fiction as it just ends up… very stressful to me, especially during times like these.

I’ll be putting up that new story on my Patreon very soon–it needs editing, but it’s been drafted. Then I have a commission to write, and then, well…

We go from there.

Thank you, everyone, and my apologies for being so… poorly present.

Until next time… take care of yourselves, and each other!

Interruptions, Delays, Trying to Get Back on Track

Hello, everyone!

It’s been a bit, and quite unintentionally.

Stories have continued to release if at a less than ideal pace, and a new wrench got thrown into everything. A bit back I started getting an intense pain in a tooth, extreme cold sensitivity, and it turns out… I needed a root canal. Thankfully the procedure itself went smoothly (apparently I have “long teeth” according to the dentist–which is news so me but who am I to argue?) but it’s just been the start of some unknown dental troubles to solve.

Thankfully, that procedure went fine, but there’s a lot more I’ve had to deal with since. Take it from me–don’t put off dentist visits, even during a pandemic.

A very dear friend has been dealing with COVID, and it’s been absolutely terrifying. I’d hoped the lasting effects were being overstated, but that seems to, unfortunately, not be the case. Hopefully it ends up not being permanent.

Life’s felt both like it’s going so fast, and paused at the same time, making production slow and be somewhat… difficult at times. I know we all need some good erotica when times are tough, but between dental work, extreme stress, and what feels like so many things I’m forgetting, it’s all getting a bit clogged…

But I’m doing my best to keep going!

I’ve been helping with editing on Modren’s “Whiteout” series over on the EMCSA still, and I’ve been trying to catch up on some reading myself. If anything stands out as far above the board, I’ll be sure to share it here.

She-Ra’s final season dropped, but don’t worry–that didn’t cause much delay–watched it all in two settings. I don’t want to spoil anything, but as anyone might expect after the end of last season, well… you may wish to check this season out. It’s pretty amazing.

I really feel like I should have more to add on, but I’m somewhat at a loss. Really do hope to be keeping this schedule a bit better. My apologies for delays, but I imagine most of us are a bit off kilter at the moment.

Here’s to things improving, soon.

Until then, best wishes, and I’ll see you all again soon!

National Horny Day

Hello, everyone!

I hope that you’re all doing well. Things are finally starting to feel more normal on my end, but maybe it’s because social media has declared it National Horny Day, and I’m a purveyor of just that kind of content.

I just released the third in The Argent Road series, and if you’ve not kept up, you really should!

Misted Facets
Misted Facets

Misted Facets looks back at Valerie Raine, first introduced in The Memory Remains, and let’s us see what she’s been up to. We also just learn a lot more about her in general, including some of her secret desires and fantasies. It’s a fun path on The Argent Road, and you can check it out here on Amazon!

There’s more to come, obviously–so much more. Soon I think I’ll be teasing at the story I’ve been calling “Untitled Madam Kistulot Project.” I’ve finally fully moved into this new PC, even if it makes me feel a bit anxious around the edges, but it means that projects are going a lot smoother.

My website updated! That means new art, new smut, new good stuff all around! I heavily recommend checking out what’s new here!

I hope you’ve all been adapting well to things, and generally feeling well. New content has been flowing easier on the whole creation side of things, so with any luck more will be coming at a more regular clip. I still intend to try aiming for every-other-week at the moment, but content is being generated.

Thank you all for continuing to read my work, and I hope to see you all again soon. Until then, take care of yourselves and each other!

No Exciting news… mostly!

Hello, everyone!

So, I don’t have the most exciting news to offer up. Progress on rewrites and the like has continued, as has the occasional bit of work to new projects that I hope you’ll all still get to see this year!

While I don’t have a lot to show in those regards at the moment…

I do have some excitement to report! Namely, that if you like my writing, I’ve been helping a writer who is writing a story right up my alley with editing/revisions! Namely, Modren!


This weekend should see the releases of chapters 2 and 3, and I look forward to seeing the story continue! If you enjoy my work, then I’d recommend giving Modren’s story here a look. A very promising up and coming author, and I think you should read, and give feedback!

That’s me for this week, but hopefully I’ll have more exciting to share soon! 🙂

Take care of you and yours!

Locked Up And Adapting

Hello everyone!

I said that I’d be working harder at this, but I’ve been doing a fairly poor job of that, haven’t I?

This global pandemic came at a very, very bad time for me. I was planning on starting to step back from the level of writing I’d been in before because relying on it while dealing with mood instability has been difficult… but this sort of put all of those plans on hold–I’m sure that you can quite easily imagine why.

A friend of mine has COVID. Living in Oregon, I’m on lockdown. We can go outside to walk if we can avoid people, or shop for necessities, and… nothing else. I’m an introvert, but I’d been relying on long slow walks outside for a lot of things, and losing that has been demoralizing, as has the uncertainty of the future.

Computer problems have compounded things. I needed to get my hands on a new system due to instability on the former, but let’s say the new one isn’t… exactly the most comfortable feeling either, so I’ve been struggling to get that figured out, too, and running into new problems amidst a global pandemic? Not great.

I considered not posting this. We’re amidst a global pandemic, and people come to M. Kistulot, the Madam Kistulot, etc, to get off. To cum. To get some hot fiction…

But I’m also the writer of The Memory Remains, and a fair few other distressing stories. I’m a woman, real and living, and you wouldn’t read my blog if you didn’t want some kind of connection beyond solely reading my work.

A lot of people are using the time in lockdown to get things down, stories written, projects created, etc… and for me, a woman who has spent a lot, a lot of time writing, creating, producing projects while maintaining a traditional job, while going to school, while focusing on nothing else… I’ve had a hell of a time.

The future is uncertain. The past feels useless to show me what to expect. The present is a state of stasis, and I don’t handle feelings of being helpless well when I can’t safeword out or get some moment of catharsis.

I’m not the only one, and if this is affecting you, too, that’s okay. Last year was rough on me, a disastrous illness that felt nearly lethal, a big break-up, and a fair few projects that fell through and didn’t quite work out the way that I’d hoped. If you had a 2019 anything like I did, then 2020 hits and even if you try to keep in mind a year is an artificial unit of time…

A lot of us were hoping 2020 would bring us something new, something different, some new chances and opportunities, and it didn’t do that for a lot of us.

Right now, the best thing that we can do is try to be there for each other, and ourselves. What will the future bring? I don’t know. How long will it take for life to feel like it isn’t an indefinite waiting period? I’m not sure either.

But I’m trying to make it so I have new content to offer, and I hope that things are going alright for all of you, too.

Best hopes and wishes for all of you.

Until next time… take care of yourselves and each other.

Overdue Update!

Hello, everyone!

My apologies for missing so much time in a row. A combination of factors, none of which are important, kludged life up a bit. A new computer that I’ve been trying to get fully smoothed out was part of it. That hasn’t gone quite as well as I’d hoped to be honest, but thankfully it seems to be working alright… but I am admittedly a bit worried if this investment isn’t working out quite so great.

That’s been why my website hasn’t updated either–as my reinstall of Dreamweaver hasn’t quite hit yet and well, that’s an essential tool!

Hopefully I can get all of this sorted soon and be back to more regular updates of this blog, and of the hot MC content you come to me for.

Until then, take care of yourselves, protect yourself and others from unnecessarily contracting a dangerous virus, and I’ll speak to you all again soon–hopefully with some good news!

On to February!

Hello, everyone!

I’d like to apologize for missing last week. Unfortunately, in spite of one’s best efforts, sometimes life can just be incredibly wicked, twisted, cruel, and pick the worst moments to kick us in the teeth. I don’t think that I would have had anything useful to say in that state.

However, we’re almost through the first month of the year! Another eleven to go, and we’ll move on to 2021. A part of me has already lost track of the year in that direction once-or-twice. A little embarrassing, right?

Next month is my birthday. Turning 33! That’s a big one, right? I’m saying it is, because it sounds and feels like one to me specifically. Maybe that’s silliness. It’s hard to tell about these sorts of things.

I’ve been watching my way through Star Trek Discovery as of late, and there is a lot of good content for people with our fetishes in there. Maybe it isn’t presented as sexy, but I don’t imagine people would disagree there’s plenty to love. I feel like this series has been under watched so I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, but it feels vitally important to accept the idea that it is full of some very sexy things.

A cyborg with direct control over individual memories is the only one I’m willing to share and spoil.

If you haven’t watched Discovery, you owe it to yourself for some amazing fetish fuel.

Next week another story drops… and each day we get closer to the next release in the Silver Girl universe. I hope that you all enjoy.

Cover Reveal: Wherever I May Roam

Hello, everyone!

I hope that you’ve all been doing well since last week. Writing has been going well on my side. There really are so many writing projects I’d love to talk about with you, but since I can only release things so quickly that would just be teasing.

One thing that I can do right at the moment…?

Show you the cover for the next story in the Silver Girl Saga!

Wherever I May Roam is the start of a series named “The Argent Road.” Spread across five stories, The Argent Road will explore the world of Silver Girl beyond the perspective of the titular heroine, and outside of Midas City itself.

This story is specifically about Lucia “Patina” Colloten’s trip across the country to prepare for her return to Midas City. It’s a tale of heroism, mind control, and lesbian lust. The cover features art by Rotem Dishon, an amazing cover artist that I cannot thank enough for his wonderful work on the Silver Girl series. Each cover just looks better than the last, and having the series so far sitting on my shelf has been amazing.

I’ve been working on the follow-up to The Argent Road, which will mark the halfway point in the original word count of the series. There are a lot more stories to come, but I want to do my best to keep them coming out with some degree of regularity. These stories may have been originally written between 2005 and 2007, but more than just a fresh coat of paint, most of these stories have been wholly rewritten while keeping completely to the events.

There are no new scenes, and no removed sequences, so if you were a fan of it before there may not be any dramatic surprizes… but this time, the whole series is going through editing! By this point in the series I started to have friends assisting with editing, but even then it was very minimal. These rewrites are extensive, fleshing out characters, settings, and scenes that were more sexy in concept than in actual prose.

But that’s where I’ll leave it for now! I really hope that you’ve been enjoying these rewrites, my newer stories, and that this continues into the future. If you’d like to look for other ways to support me for more fiction, feel free to check out my patreon!

Until next week, take care of yourselves… and each other!