Hello, everyone!
I hope that you’ve all had an absolutely wonderful week! Mine’s had some bumps, but it sure is hard to feel too poorly when your air goes from toxic, to clean! As someone with asthma, air quality is a very real concern. Thankfully, that’s not an issue for the moment! We should probably do a bit more about that long term, but that’s not why you’re all here! 🙂
My first big topic of the week is that I plan on slowly putting my Amazon releases up on Smashwords. KU has been less than profitable for me lately, and I really haven’t enjoyed the exclusivity from the start. As a result, every time I release a new story from now on, not only will it be up on Smash as well, but I’ll also be trying to throw up a few of my earlier releases!
KU terms are for 90 days, so unfortunately some of my stories renewed before this could be changed. Sorry to say there. However, I still fully intend on doing my best to make sure that, going forward, dual releases are maintained and my back library is more widely available. It’s also been brought to my attention that some sell erotic fiction on itch.io so I’m tempted to triple post, but that may be a bit much and I’m not sure the value. Let me know if there’s a place you wish you could buy my stories that allows direct submissions! iBooks, iirc, will not be too happy to accept most of my work…
Unfortunately, this will mean next week doesn’t have a Smashwords release, as it’s going to be The Argent Road, the complete compendium of the stories of The Argent Road that lead up to The Argentum Project.
These stories are Wherever I May Roam, Dust High, Misted Facets, Nocturnal Interlude, and Informant. There’s also going to be a paperback! Look forward to all of that hopefully going off without a hitch next week. I’m definitely eager to get my copy on a shelf! I quite respect/understand if you’re more concerned with a digital version. That tends to be how I read most of my smut, too.
So that’s what’s up next for Amazon: a compilation! I know, that’s not very exciting… but what’s going to come after that? That’s a fair bit exciting!

Sadly, some of those stories are still in Kindle Unlimited, and it was either not release the compilation in both places at the same time, or expect everyone to grab up all of the individual pieces before the next big story starts to flow. Hopefully I’ve made the right decision. Let me know if you disagree! I’m certainly happy to hear feedback.
I’ve been doing my best to work up a buffer, because my next story release is going to be a rather big deal… for me, anyway!
The Argentum Project!
This story was originally 100k, the longest of the original series! However… I kinda found that it wasn’t really living up to its potential. Most of the series has become a fair bit longer as a result of this, but when you take a 100k story, and extend sequences, really let them flow and linger and be the hottest they can be, well…
You end up with a story that at the moment is about 245k. That’s 245,000 words!
I’ve done my best to make this story the hottest thing I’ve ever written, and I think it does a great job of achieving that goal. Lots of twisted fetishy heat. Lots of deep character moments. There’s a lot of varied forms of control, and one of the biggest casts the series ever gets! Some old enemies, and new friends…
For the first time, I’d like to show it off to all of you–the cover of The Argentum Project!

As you might imagine, 245k is… a lot of words! The original story took me a long time to write at 100k, and this one took a very large chunk of the year to get this far. Editing is on going, but…
I’m going to try something a little different with this release! We’re going back to Silver Girl’s serial roots!
No section will be released that isn’t a complete experience, while still being a part of the greater whole. When it’s finished the story will be compiled, as I plan on continuing to do with my stories once they get long enough.
Additionally, there won’t be weeks between the release! It’s going to be week, after week, after week, until the series is complete! What I’ll do right after is still up in the air. I have a few plans in mind. However, a week after The Argent Road’s compilation releases… TAP will begin to release, too, simultaneously on Smash and Amazon!
I hope you’re all looking forward to it! I know I am!
That’s been taking up a LOT of my mental focus as of late… but don’t worry, I’m planning to keep right on going! My hope is that I can release the rest of the original series of Silver Girl, rewritten to perfection, without pause! The world is in a chaotic place at the moment, but hopefully you’ll be able to rely on my smut for some fun distractions.
Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!