Hello, everyone!
I know that things are still precarious for a lot of us. Between our governments actively refusing to cease state-sponsored violence and repression, and the virus that rages on… things aren’t anywhere near where we need them to be. I hope you personally are doing okay, and that neither you or any loved ones are dealing too personally with any of these issues.
Myself? I’m healing. I had a follow-up with my dentist earlier this week and while healing feels to me like it’s taking too long? I’ve been assured by a professional that I look great. That’s done wonders for my morale, even if I’m wanting things to hurry up and be over as far as healing goes.
Still, this is very good news. It means there’s fewer things between you and new writing from me being consistent! Woo! 🙂
This week was another bye-week, but might I recommend an oldie-but-goodie from my back catalogue?

Coiled is an older one of my published works, but it’s one that performed very well. It’s about an adventurer named Alannah and her exploration of a special ziggurat… and the snake-like creature she finds within.
Why do I bring that story up now? Oh, no reason.
Definitely not because of it being a more fantasy-themed story and that being similar, if not identical, to what you can expect from me next week~
But you should check it out if you haven’t–Coiled can be found on both Amazon and Smashwords!
That said, I am still hard at work on new stories! In a bit I’ll be putting the polish on a story to come out in another couple weeks, but we have a shorts compilation after that, and after that? A surprise!
One of my back burnered projects may get a bit more time on that part of the stove as I work to get out more Silver Girl quicker. The next major novel will be released serially as it was originally–but not in the same chunks as before. Each chunk will be a satisfying read in its own right, and with how much each chapter has expanded, well… let’s just say it is shaping up to be one thick paperback!
So that’s all for me for now! What more is on the horizon? Well… Tune in next week to find out!
If you want more fiction from me, $10/mo will help get you new stories at least a week before they hit MCStories, which I have begun to post to again. You can find those details over on my patreon!
For now? Please, please, please, take care of yourselves… and each other 🙂