Reading Recommendation: A. Regina Cantatis

Hello everyone!

Delivery is now released, available in both Kindle and Paperback formats. If you’re at all interested in paperbacks, and take a picture and share it with me, I’ll be more excited than you know… but there’s no pressure there! It’s also set up so you can request it from your local library, and any pictures of that would be a thrill too. What writer doesn’t love libraries, even if they don’t make you rich?

That said, the subject of this week’s blogpost is not Delivery… or even that The Adventures of Silver Girl is going into final edits this week–though it is! Pretty exciting, huh? Putting that off to one side, though… I’ve been wanting to highlight a fellow author who while she hasn’t been the most active for awhile is one of the erotic writers who had the most influence on the growth of my own style.

I’m talking about, of course, A. Regina Cantatis, known to a lot of us from the mcstories reading community as just “thrall”–which if that’s not a lovely and evocative name? I don’t know what is. Though she first began on MCStories, she’s since moved to Amazon, and her stories are no less amazing there, so I’d like to make you a few recommendations. They’re also on smashwords, if you prefer buying from there.

Willing Subject is the first story of hers that I recall reading, and I adored it so much that I’ve lost tack of the many times that I’ve reread it. This tells the story of a woman with a fair bit of a mind control kink who gets a chance to explore it… and let me tell you, the memories of keeping my teeth together imagining a wall in my own mouth as a teenager? Yeah. That was some fetish fuel to say the absolute least. I can’t recommend this enough. It’s hot, twisted, and you have to know if The Black Pearl of Thailand is really magical or just a great hypnotist, mmm…?

Amazon     Smashwords

Mirrored in your Eyes is a story about a world where everyone eventually chooses to be a top or a bottom, a mind controlled slave, or a mind controller who delights in ruling from above. There is a small country for the normies who aren’t kinky, but this story doesn’t focus there. This story focuses on the story of Karen who realizes she really wants to be a sub for one woman… but that woman is being forced to go through the process of being anyone’s helpless toy–a process everyone is forced to endure to bring out their “true” nature. Will Karen get the girl, or will they bot be slaves, or… what fate could befall them?

This story is incredibly romantic, sweet, and just… gosh, how can you not love this one? Such a fun neat little world!

Amazon      Smashwords

A Tenpack of Trixies is a story that feels criminal for it to be available for $2.99. I remember eagerly checking the archive each week for an update on it. It’s just such twisted dark hot goodness. A story about a woman who literally takes criminals and brainwashes, bodily modifies them, and then sells them in consumer products… and the woman she used to love, who left her. What will happen when a reporter investigating this woman vanishes, and then a pack of identical women labeled “Trixie” are sent in? You won’t be disappointed anymore than I was, and here I am, raving madly that you should buy it. Do it!

Amazon    Smashwords

There’s really not a story in her library that I can imagine being disappointed if the description strikes your fancy. From tentacles, to satin, thrall has a decidedly twisted imagination that I think you should indulge… and toss her some filthy lucre at the same time!

Don’t take my word for it though–Willing Subject is free! You don’t even need to pay for it. Nab a copy today. Read it. You will NOT be disappointed.

That’s me signing off for now… look forward to my Halloween Screams series starting this October, and then November?

The return of Silver Girl.

Until then, take care of yourselves, and each other!

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