Business As Usual Feels Nice!

Hello everyone!

So I didn’t want to be worrying to anyone, but the last couple of months were not my most productive. It was a little stressful at times–but moving will do that! Moving, living situation stresses, trying to make this new place feel like a home… it was a little bit draining. Now, however? Things have been burning forward at a pace that I’ve come to expect from myself. It’s really nice.

That means lots of new words down! Some of them for things that won’t be released anywhere for months? But others for Patreon exclusive rewards. You can find details on how you can chip in to my monthly Patreon and get flash fiction, shorts, and more for just a little bit of cash every month right here!

In other news, my latest flash collection is out! I really hope that everyone likes it! Flash fiction is something I used to have complicated feelings about. Now? I just love writing it. I think I might write some more later tonight for some future collections. If you want to take a look at it on Amazon, then you can find it here:

Pocket Watches and Glazed Eyes: Twenty Tales of Erotic Mind Control Volume 2 is on Kindle Unlimited now!

Other things: The author copy of The Adventures of Silver Girl is on its way to me. It’s 460 pages, and is 1.5 pounds, which to me sounds… insane. I can’t wait to have it in my hands so I can give it some final glances before November 6th–the official release date, and the 13th year anniversary of the initial release to the EMCSA!

Last week was largely busy with Silver Eclipse, which is only needing a final pass before my editors get a look. The cover is being worked on again by the amazing artist Rotem Dishon, and it looks… so incredibly good so far. I hope that I can excuse getting another for The Memory Remains!

This weekend I watched an old favorite movie of mine, John Carpenter’s “In The Mouth of Madness”. If you like creepy, bizarre, lovecraftian films? Check it out. The score is great, and Sam Neil does an amazing job in the lead role.

Looking forward to getting up to some good reading soon from some old favorites, and the new stories on the archive and elsewhere. For now I think that’s the most interesting thing I have to share, so… Until next time? Take care of yourselves, and each other!

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