Application of Control, and getting back to business

Hello, everyone!

I’ve been a bit late with these lately, so I decided to write this one at night. I might keep this up in the future, we’ll see! I’d like to try to be make it easy for people to rely on these updates.

My illness from January finally feels gone. Not just subdued, but actually gone, which is amazing. I have a very occasional cough now, but it’s nothing intolerable. If anything, I feel pretty great physically. A lot of the issues plaguing my family are all taken care of, too!

Now, it’s back 100% to focusing on getting as much writing going as good as I can for all of you!

This week? I’ve begun to release the Application of Control series! The first three were written back in 2015, but I’ve been doing my best to enhance every story I put out for everyone to buy. I hope you’ll give Present a look!

Check out Present: Application of Control Volume 1 on Amazon!

As for what’s coming next? Well, I’m hard at work getting Silver Eclipse ready to go, and work has been made on its sequel, The Memory Remains, too! I have more of the Application of Control series being worked on, a bimbo story all geared up and ready to go…

Is there anything you wish I’d write?

Any story you’d love to see revisited?

You can reach me at and let me know!

Until next time, take care of you and yours, and have a wonderful day!

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