Hello everyone!
I hope this week finds all of you well. The world is still a scary, chaotic place for a lot of us right now. I can’t fix it, or do much more than take your mind off of it for a time, but I do genuinely hope if you’re reading this that you’re at least mostly happy.
If I do my job right? Maybe this post makes you a little happier! That’s the hope.
So, to get started? If you missed it, I have a new story out on Amazon… AND on Smashwords! Previously Smashwords sales didn’t really warrant the extra effort and I was doubling-down on Kindle Unlimited. At this time, only long stories feel like they make that pay off. So, for the time being? Silver Girl will remain in KU, but everything else will be dual-posted!

You might be able to guess what long running property inspired the setting for this one. You might not. It’s not fan fiction, but my own take on the idea anyway. Original character and all that. If you’d like to grab up this story, here’s the links for Smashwords, and for Amazon! I recommend it, but of course I would, right?
But Quarry isn’t the only thing that I have for you this week! Over on the Mind Control Literature discord (Join us! Join us!) I’ve been reviewing the weekly updates over on MCStories. I’ve been a bit slow to get around to the offerings from this Sunday, but I’ve been very busy rewriting the next Silver Girl novel. However… On this blog, I never got around to the week before, and it was a heck of an update for fans of lesbian mind control!
Recently the FF genre has been getting a lot of new writers, and that’s been great for us! While I recommend you check it out for yourself, I have some highlights.
Human Error by MoldedMind is a very fun “prisoner is a skilled mind controller’ story that even if you know where it’s going, you love the ride and savor the build-up. The prose here is absolutely delicious, and I don’t think you can go wrong with this at all. Highly recommended.
New Neighbor has two more chapters I haven’t read yet, but isadorable is really proving themselves to be a adept weaver of sexy prose. The fun ‘move into a new place, get mind controlled’ story is really on beautiful display here. I can’t wait to see where it goes. Read this!
Tasmania by PlanetSurf isn’t their first story on the archive, but it is their first pink story on the archive, and it is glorious. With fun nods to Tabico, this clearly long-time-reader is doing an amazing job with what I hope is just the start of a much longer piece. Truly some sexy science fiction mind control here!
Trigger-Happy Girl Hunt by Modren is one of those stories with such a goofy premise that leans into it so hard that you can’t help but love it. It has the vibes of a Sammynona story in that way, come to think of it! Highly recommended if you want some giggling with your porn. Who doesn’t, right? There’s no way you read this much of my porn without enjoying a laugh now and then.
Worry Stone by Carey Alphaville is another first time release, and I couldn’t be happier. The way it cuts in snippets of something you wont understand until later (by design) is absolutely lovely. The sexy slow-build of a large conspiracy being revealed is done so sexy here, and it really deserves the sf tag. Read this story!
Finally, City of Breasts by Autumn Oldaker is another story by a new writer that I’m looking forward to seeing more in the future. Her prose needs a little bit of polish, but if you want something fun, silly, and sexy, and don’t mind it being fairly rough it’s hardly a bad read.
That’s all for me–or it would be, but…
I’d opened up a special discord just for fans of my writing, but I decided that it didn’t really make very much sense to limit that to my Patreon? I think you’d get more out of it if you joined up but I don’t particularly want to use the Patreon bot to segment my audience, so…
If you’d like to join my Discord to get announcements as stories are released, to chat with me more easily, etc?
Join us in Madam Kistulot’s Domain, the official discord for my writing! Mind Control Literature will remain a generalized server, so you’re welcome in both, or either!
Silver Girl is receiving a LOT of my focus this week. I’ve been burning the midnight oil, staying up writing until well past 2am some nights. It reminds me of back in 2007 when I was first writing these stories.
Did you know Silver Girl turns 15 in November? She was 23 when she debuted, so now she’d be 38! Isn’t that somethin’? I’ll need to do something special for the 15th anniversary…
Until next week? Take care of yourselves, and each other.