The Project Continues!

Hello, everyone!

I hope that you’ve all been enjoying The Argentum Project! Reintroducing old characters through a new lens is always something I adore doing as a writer… and this series is basically this to a ‘T’. Not every idea previously explored will be visited again in this rather hot, fun exploration of Midas City, and plenty of new fun ones add to the mix… I really enjoy seeing things from a new angle.

What better angle than from the comfort of a nice, warm Hot Tub with some Hot Fun?

Cover of The Argentum Project Vol 2: Hot Tub, Hot Fun
The Argentum Project Volume 2: Hot Tub, Hot Fun

You can pick up your copy of Volume 2 now, on either Amazon, or Smashwords!

To make sure your flow of Silver Girl is uninterrupted, I’ve been hard at work both working on future stories, and at future projects that interlink! Seeds are set in this story that will pay off in unrelated stories, and so on. My hope is to help make the Silver Girl universe sprawling and fun. I think you’ll all get a lot out of some of the fun, sexy directions its sure to go.

After all, there are so many sexy things to do with super heroines… far more than can be contained to only one series, like The Adventures of Silver Girl.

Oh, and don’t forget! For the rest of this month, all of my Halloween Screams: Tales of Sapphic Treats series is on sale on Smashwords! The only way to get the sale code is to head over to my discord server and check the announcements!

I want to do more of that series eventually, but right at the moment I was just a bit too busy with other projects to have it ready in time. Next year, I’ll be doing my best to have the sixth entry up and ready to go.

For the near future, Amazon and Smashwords will continue to see more and more of The Argentum Project, showing Patina’s sterling exploits as she makes Midas City a safer place. I hope you’re all eager to see what comes next!

In the meantime, Callidus, who you might remember as an excellent photomanipper and the host of the Black Room podcast, has a story going up on the EMCSA! It’s been sizzling hot so far, and you should all check it out! Compliance and Acquisition is free, so you have no excuse!

There are plenty of other great stories there, and I have one going up every week! If you want to see them before anyone else, my patreon campaign is as ever the place to go.

I have some new words to write so I’ll cut this off here, but I hope to see you all here next week for more updates on what I have in store for all of you… as well as recommendations, and other little sexy things that catch my eye!

Oh, and I’ve ordered a bit of sexy art to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Silver Girl, but it’s going to be a bit late… so I might order a second, just to make up for it.

Still, look forward to that!

Until then… take care of yourselves and each other!

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