Not a Fun Update to Make

I would like to apologize for my minimal, and sporadic, updates as of late.

Every time that one health problem seems to abate, another gets a little bit louder. It’s been supremely difficult to manage very much productivity, and as a result, it’s been very difficult to have very much very interesting to say.

At this time I’m considering if I should delay these updates until my health is able to improve enough to make it worthwhile.

In the meantime?

Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and I would urge you to look after your health as much as possible! A lot of what I’m dealing with isn’t necessarily anything that I could have done a lot about in advance… but I’d still like there to be something positive to express about all of this. Somehow!

Please consider checking out my works on Amazon or Smashwords, or supporting me on Patreon. Not a lot is being properly accomplished at the moment, but the support helps me not push myself during this trying time.

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

Diagnosis is Ongoing

Hello again. everyone!

Unfortunately. at this time there’s still no path going forward to a state where I won’t be in constant pain. and until that’s sorted it’s very difficult for me to write. That, sadly, includes blogs of any real depth.

I can comment that my doctors have found no less than four potential problems, but at the moment… well… I finally have some pain meds you can’t just walk into CVS and pick off of a shelf.

Other than that, I’m just trying to manage.

Please take of yourselves, and each other!



You’ve Only Got Your Health!

Hello, everyone!

This week is not a great week for me. It’s just not.

I’ve been having ongoing health problems from the start of the year, and I was anxious about pursuing ongoing treatment. At this point, I’ve had a CT scan, and the results didn’t particularly thrill me, and annoyingly at this point… it’s a waiting game for another appointment to find out more.

I don’t like to talk about my health very much publicly, or most private issues, but I will be talking about it over on my Patreon where I’ll be writing next.

I figure if someone is paying me, they want to hear a bit more.

So while my work continues to be released…

Pain can really get in the way of being creative. Don’t wait if you don’t need to. Pursue your health, mental, physical, and any other kind you believe in. It’s really all you’ve got, in the end.

Until next time you can join me on a  discord meant for myself and my fans: The Madam Kistulot’s Domain.


Please, please, please, take care of yourselves… and each other.

In A Hot Second available now!

Hello, everyone!

I missed a week due to my birthday putting me in a bit of a funk, but I’m back at it, and here to let you all know that I have something big out… a very anticipated story!

In A Hot Second is now available!

In A Hot Second is available now!
In A Hot Second is available now!

You can pick up your copy on Smashwords or Amazon today!

Please consider leaving a review if you’re able, and if you’d like to discuss this release? Join us in my discord: Madam Kistulot’s Domain!

Parallel Lusts is a series that leads into a Midas City series that I am very confident will be a big hit! Learn more about old favorites, meet new characters, and of course lots of hot mind control and lesbian sex.

All the good stuff!

Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the pace of one of these stories releasing a month, but just know that if nothing else? It is a priority for me, and I look forward to sharing many more great stories like these in the future!

Additionally, did you know I have a whole second release chain? It’s possible you don’t if you found me on Amazon or Smashwords! Check out my Patreon to support stories that release on Read Only Mind or the EMCSA! All of these stories eventually become free and public, but it’s support like yours that enables this being a worthwhile project for a woman trying to make a living off of her writing!

For now, though?

That’s me!

Please take care of yourselves, and each other!

A Very Kistulot Birthday!

Hello, everyone!

On Monday, I’ll be celebrating my 37th birthday!

It’s been nearly 20 years now since I started writing online with the pen name “Madam Kistulot” which would become M. Kistulot for Amazon and Smashwords.

In the time that I’ve been writing it feels like the world around me, and my own personal life, has changed so many times. Beyond the obvious sorts of things, getting older, witnessing all the same events as everyone else, I’ve gained friends, loved ones, lost connections, changed who I was and what I was hoping for… and so much more. I can’t even begin to fathom all of it…

…but at the core of it has been my writing.

I met so many people thanks to my writing, even before it became a career. I was able to exchange emails with trilby else, cohost a podcast with Callidus, converse with EyeofSerpent…

I’m hardly the person who deserves anything near the lion’s share of the credit for ROM, but the project was started in the Mind Control Literature Discord and I’m happy for my role in that, small as it was.

The community has grown, and evolved, and I’ve been so glad to be a part of it even as my involvement has changed over time as well.

37 isn’t a very special number, but this year definitely feels like one that’s going to turn out to be very important.

Thank you, all of you, for reading my work, whether you’ve ever bought a book from Amazon or Smashwords, or supported my Patreon.

I hope that you’ll all take care of yourselves, and each other.

In A Hot Second, now available for pre-order!

Hello again, everyone!

Things are continuing on, and I hope that you’re all having a simply fantastic February! This is one big month in its own way, isn’t it?

Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, a leap day, and on the 19th, my birthday.

I think that’s quite a bit, with different significance to different people.

I guess there’s presidents day in there, too, but I don’t really know if that’s all that exciting!

Something else is happening, too! On the 27th, the next release in “Parallel Lusts” the new series in the Midas City universe will be released!

Pre-orders really help get the book out there, so please consider preordering on Amazon, or add it to your wishlist on Smashwords!

Also if you’d like an easy way to chat with myself and other fans of my writing? Consider joining The Madam Kistulot’s Domain–my discord server!

I’ll be back with more next week, but for now, please take care of yourselves… and each other!

Another month behind us!

Hello again, everyone!

Can you believe that we’re already this far into 2024? It just doesn’t feel real–not to me! But here we are, in February, and there’s not much reasonable to do but accept it!

I’m currently working on getting the next ebook release ready to go, In A Hot Second, which was always a big fan favorite.

My body is finally starting to feel like it’s not caving in on itself, so hopefully, I’ll have a bit more juice to write some really exciting blog posts soon!

In the meantime?

Take care of yourselves, and each other!

In A Flash is now available!

Hello again, everyone!

I hate to be short, and late, but unfortunately a nasty infection combined with vaccine side-effects (all perfectly healthy and ordinary–just not good for getting things done!) have me not the most useful as of late!

In A Flash is available now!
In A Flash is available now!

Pick up a copy today on Smashwords, or Amazon!

Also, more of Pure Feelings from Impure Places is available on my Patreon before it’s up on ROM or the EMCSA! It would help me a lot if you would hop over there and support it!

Again, very sorry for short blog posts, but I don’t have the most fun to say at the moment. Thankfully, I’m on the road to recovery.

Until next time?

Please take care of yourselves… and each other!

Unending Dance, and more!

Hello again, everyone!

This weekend is going to see my return to the Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive, or the EMCSA! I’m pretty excited about it! This will also be concurrent with my return to Read Only Mind or ROM!

If you want to read these stories in advance, before anyone else gets to?

Check out my Patreon!

This week’s release is going to be “Unending Dance”, a story about a woman at a club who meets a most unusual predator who is after more than just her body, or her mind!

It’s a one-and-done story, and if you support me right now for $10 or more, you can get a copy to read… and more stories as they’re available!

Additionally, tomorrow, my $15 tier and up readers are going to get to start reading my newest story that wont be starting to release for another two weeks!  It’s going to be a long one, and it’ll be easier to work on knowing that I’m being actively supported!

That story, “Pure Feelings From Impure Places” is the story of a lonely housewife and a high school senior who is the housewife’s daughter’s best friend having a chance opportunity that leads to an impossible enticing opportunity for both of them!

There’ll be more news of other things soon–including the start of more stories in the Midas City Universe!

For now?

I hope you’re all having a great 2024!

Let’s all work together to make this the best year we can! Take care of yourselves, and each other!

Happy Last Post of the Year!

Hello again, everyone!

This will be the last post of the year, but before we go into that?

There was one last release, and it’s available now!

Hypnotic Origins, the story of how Jesse Colloten became The Lady, is available now!
Hypnotic Origins, the story of how Jesse Colloten became The Lady, is available now!

This is a story I’ve been wanting to tell for years, and it’s something people have been wondering since The Lady first appeared back in 2005! If you’re interested in a tale of erotic lesbian mind control that explores the journey of a beloved member of the Silver Girl cast?

Pick up a copy on Smashwords or Amazon today!

So, it’s the end of 2023. After Sunday, it’ll be 2024. I can kinda hardly believe it!

2023 was a year that I spent making a lot of decisions that didn’t really work out for me. Being stubborn sometimes just means you keep things going far longer than you should.

It was also a year where I saw a lot more of the country. I spent time in Chicago, in New York, and in Wisconsin. I saw museums, musical acts, fish bakes, and ate so much new food. I finally understand why New York, and Chicago, both brag about their very different pizzas!

They’re both good, as long as you keep pineapple far away from them!

I traveled by plane, train, and automobile. Literally all of these things.

I went through so many dental surgeries, and I released the longest story that I’ve ever written!

2023 was a long year full of ups and downs… but while I didn’t release the most this year, and next year might involve some catching up… 2024 is going to be a year I put in a lot of work to get you all a lot more.

Take care of yourselves, and each other…

And happy new year!