Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Hello, everyone!

November is nearly over… can you believe it? We’re nearly through 2020! 2021 won’t instantly fix all of our problems, but it still might help make things feel a little bit better. I won’t sneeze at that!

This week’s release is news, but I also have a sale for a week, more books on Smashwords, and more!

The Argentum Project Volume 7: Familiar Places with Familiar Faces
The Argentum Project Volume 7: Familiar Places with Familiar Faces

Check it out now, available on Amazon and Smashwords!

Volume 7 introduces a character who might be my favorite in the whole series. She’s definitely up there for me, anyway. We’ll see if you agree! Check it out, and let me know what you think! A good place to do that? My discord server!

Amusingly, around this time fifteen years ago I only had one story up on the EMCSA. The Adventures of Silver Girl, an incomplete tale of super heroines and mind control. There were a fair few chapters posted, but not enough to make me feel good bout the name Madam Kistulot having only ONE story under it, so… I wrote another story.

And at the time, the name “Black Friday” hadn’t really registered so instead, I named it “The Day After” and now it’s on Smashwords!

The Day After
The Day After

For a whole week, until December 2nd, you can get 50% off of both The Day After, and the first rerelease of Marianna’s Conquests, The Fourth! Just head to Smashwords and use the code “CJ92Q” at checkout! It’s not too much of a Thanksgiving treat, but it’s something!

Once that coupon expires, I’ll probably be throwing out a new one for Gift of the Sorceress, so feel free to hold off on that one for the moment if you read this and get to see all the cool things before they happen!

Last time I mentioned a Silver Girl AMA, and I intend on doing that after all! December 11th, drop by The Madam Kistulot’s Domain and you’ll get to talk to me, and the cast of Silver Girl about the first story in the series, The Adventures of Silver Girl! I keep odd hours, but I’ll respond to everyone, so even if you work late, or early, or split shift? Don’t worry! I want this to be fun for everyone!

I’ll be writing up a sheet for the events of tAoSG as a refresher for everyone, as I want to keep it *strictly* limited to that story. Later AMAs will cover further if this one goes well, but I want to make this one more inclusive!

That means if you wanna participate? Check out The Adventures of Silver Girl now, on Amazon or Smashwords, and catch up before December 11th! We’ll all be happy to have you!

That’s it for now, I think! I’ve been converting ebooks all day! To see the full listing of new ebook releases on Smashwords, check out the updates portion of my website!

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other!

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