Happy 2021!

Hello, everyone!

This is the first Thursday of the year! How’s your 2021 gone so far? Good, I hope!

I ended up a little under the weather this week, but getting that out of the way this early in the year isn’t the worst thing. That’s slowed down my word count, but it won’t slow down any releases!

Big news this week?

Read Only Mind is now live! I’m not a big fan of the name because it feels the very opposite of what it should be, but what is it? A new site to find erotic stories of the mind control variety!

It’s very accessible, more user-controlled than the EMCSA, and bound to be home to lots of great stories in the future! There’s already a lot of great content there, including stories from myself. Stop on by, read away, and thank me a little for suggesting the ‘read later’ option!

For the moment most of the stories are ones migrated from tumblr, or they’re also on the EMCSA, but you should still check it out. Get in on the ground floor if you’re a creator yourself, or if you’d like to be!

On Tuesday you’ll be able to get a copy of The Argentum Project all compiled into one singular volume! After that it’ll be time to start getting into ink… isn’t that exciting? It’s pretty exciting for me! I think you’ll all agree once it drops!

There’s never been a better time to join a Discord server to talk with myself and other fans of my writing, the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! There’s also Mind Control Literature, a server for fans of all writers, and all sources of mind control eroticism! Check that out here!

For now, that’s all there is for me! Take care of your selves, and each other!

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