Lace Soaked in Ink

Hello everyone!

This week the third volume of the Ink Slick Preamble is available… Blotted Lace!

Where Poetic License set the stage, and Ballpoint to the Brain raises the stakes? Blotted lace starts to reveal the depth of just what’s happening, and just who might be responsible…

Blotted Lace, now available!
Blotted Lace, now available!

Available on either Smashwords, or Amazon, you can pick up a copy today!

My website has also received a fairly substantial update! There’s more art to come for awhile, too! This week, the special new piece of art is Jesse Colloten, and you can find it here!

My bio, FAQ, and links sections have all been updated. Step by step, I’m trying to pretty things up a bit, and bring it all up to date. Some links had been around since 2005, and unfortunately some of them didn’t work anymore. That’s just how it goes! I looked back at the links I had back in 2005 and was hilariously surprised by the way web links used to work.

I outright had a link to a lyrics website, to an ISP… and that wasn’t all that strange back in 2005! It’s so bizarre to imagine that.

Way back then I had no idea I’d ever be trying to e-publish my erotica. I used to think that was impossible due to the content. I’ve been incredibly thrilled to see that isn’t the case. The constant support from my fan base, and new readers, has been exceptionally thrilling and given me a lot of delight to continue writing more stories, reworking the old ones… it’s all great.

I don’t have a lot of exciting things to share beyond that, but I hope you’ll be excited to read the next Ink Slick Preamble… Ink Blots!

You can preorder it now on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords. Smashwords doesn’t do preorders for some reason, and it’s… just… confusing to me. Oh well!

Until next time?

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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