April Debasement and more!

Hello, everyone!

I hope you all had a great March, but now that it’s gone we get to move on to a new day, a new sale… and so on! In the future I want to try having a deal going every month, a few books that you can nab up for at least 25% off. I’ll still be releasing new stories, and I’d hardly mind if you buy stories that aren’t on sale, but a little something to help fill the world with more smut!

The next sale starts today, and goes through May 6th so it can be announced on the first Thursday of the month–when these go live!

As you may have guessed by the title… my Debased series is now on sale for 25% off through April!

Debased, on sale now on Smashwords!
Debased 2 on sale now on Smashwords!
Debased 3 on sale now on Smashwords!

The Debased series contains a lot of tits as a mind control focus, and a very bratty Domme who always gets what she wants. I hope you enjoy!

Unfortunately it’s a lot harder to do similar on Amazon–namely? I’d need to be exclusive. I don’t really like that so much, as Amazon gives a lot less direct control. They’re a big storefront, but being only in Kindle Unlimited has some major drawbacks. So unfortunately, if you want in on these sales, you’ll need to go to Smashwords. The series page can be found here!

Yesterday was the trans day of visibility, but to all of my trans readers out there? I see you. I respect you. I mean, I am you! I hope you can find all of the happiness you deserve and that things can get better soon.

Also I’d like to give a few recommendations! The author Skaetlett recently shared with me a peak behind their patreon, and the story was a fun read! Gatekeep Gaslight Girlboss was a real delight, and it’s well worth you giving a look–as well as many other of their stories!

Additionally, Hypnotic Harlequin recently released a story named Lights, Camera, Faction! that you can find on ROM or the EMCSA that I really enjoyed. It’s less direct heat, but still a lot of fun.

That’s me for this week, but look forward to Tuesday when Ink Bot is released, and there’s going to be so much more to come! đŸ™‚

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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