Thoughts on Mind Control, Story Recommendations!

Hello, everyone!

I hope you’ve been having a decent April so far! Mine’s been alright. I’m very glad to be getting vaccinated, but also as a warning: be prepared to possibly feel like you have the flu for a good five days or more! It’s not very fun, but it’s much better than brain damage or lung scarring!

Wear a mask! Get vaccinated when you can if you don’t have legitimate health problems that make that impossible!

On other news, I’ve been doing a bit of reading lately, and I have some stories that you should read!

First off, have you read Modren‘s Whiteout? I feel like I’ve mentioned it a time or two but I can’t be bothered to check. If you haven’t, there’s never been a better time! The third follow-up to Whiteout, the Greyscale Anthology, is out now! Each of these are cute ongoing glimpses at the cast of Whiteout. Whiteout itself was a fun (if often anxiety inducing!) story about a super heroine who finds out she may or may not have a bit of a hypnosis fetish after running into the titular villain. I guess she technically isn’t the most titular, but she works for that more-or-less. Heavily recommended, give them a glimpse.

On the other hand, we have Skaetlett‘s Gatekeep Gaslight Girlboss. A hell of a title, right? This one is a fun look at a woman forced to take an internship as part of her college program, and well… a thing Skaetlett gets is how bad capitalists and business women really can be, and they use this to wonderful effect. It’s a fun read, and I recommend it if you like the thought of a businesswoman abusing an intern with mind control.

Additionally, I’ve been continuing to read through trilby as a before-sleep activity, and having a lot of fun with it. Recently finished a story that I don’t know how to properly describe besides “when you find out it was written in tribute to a dead character from another author’s work, you aren’t surprised.” Escapee is sad, and miserable, and it captures a thing I think is under represented sometimes…

Mind controllers who do the kinds of things you see in a lot of these stories?
Bad people. Really bad people.

Something makes me sad when a mind controller who does legitimately bad things is just glossed over, and you get this sense they’re both mind controlling women by the dozen but would never hurt a fly. That’s just… not how anything makes sense to me, without a good reason.

A follow-up to Escapee, Loveknot, also ended up on my to read list. It’s incredibly not Escapee, though it still shows how unrepentant many mind controllers are and expands on that universe in fun ways. It isn’t my favorite trilby story, but it’s still a good read.

So here you are, four stories you can read for free… so you can give them a look, then remember I have a sale going on all month!

All three books in the Debased series are on sale on Smashwords! Get yourself a copy today if you enjoy breasts as a mind control methodology and bratty women who always get what they want!

Don’t forget that this Tuesday, the final tale in the Ink Slick Preamble is being released! Be excited! Be hyped!

But most of all?

Take care of yourselves, and each other.

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