Self Reunion out now!

Hello, everyone!

This week’s release includes some of my favorite of my own writing! I continue to write stuff that I really love and aim for sexier, more emotionally resonant, all of the best sorts of stories that everyone would love to read?

But I’ll always love Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 4: Self Reunion in a very special way.

Ink Soaked Penumbra Volume 4: Self Reunion available now!

Pick up your copy today on Smashwords or Amazon!

But that’s not the only thing that I have to say today!

Awhile back you might recall that I shared a picture from an artist who goes by Hinton Blitz! Well, that was actually the SECOND picture I commissioned from them. The first? Was this one that I’ve posted to my site now! You can see Yana and Valerie enjoying a little time together right here. They’re a great artist, and I really enjoyed the result of their work!

What else do I have to share?

I’m on vacation!

That might not be exciting for you, but it is very exciting for me. I haven’t taken any time off when I haven’t needed it for a very long time. Don’t worry, though! This won’t slow down my release cycle.

In fact, on Patreon this week at the $10 level, you’ll be able to get your hands on the first part of a new story named Sync Scent. Everyone else will get to see the first part of a new story, Lifted up to Surrender, and at the $5 tier will get it in epub, pdf, and mobi formats.

I’ve filled this vacation with fictional mind control, hypnosis, and all sorts of other fun, sexy things.

When I get back to writing, soonish, you’ll be getting a lot more fun writing from me!

But for now?

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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