Hello, everyone!
This week was part three of To Patrol and Control, the latest sub-series in the larger Silver Girl saga. There are still more on the horizon, but for now…

You an pick up a copy of Obedience over Matter on Smashwords, or Amazon!
Additionally, part four, Silver Gray Starlight, is available for preorder on Amazon, and to add to your library on Smashwords. I still don’t understand why Smash doesn’t let you preorder, but I can confirm they’re good with email alerts, so if you want to keep up to date on Smash? Follow my profile! You’ll always be alerted right away. Amazon has similar, but it’s really bad at letting you know!
So, Obedience over Matter, huh? Obviously, the title comes from the expression Mind over Matter, but when someone’s mind is gone, well.. what’s left there?
In this case, you can imagine.
I think you’ll enjoy this, and what’s to come!
You’ll learn more about Silver Gray Starlight in another week~
As for now, I look forward to seeing more response to OoM. The first few responses have all been amazing, so it’s pretty great at the moment!
This weekend, on my Patreon my $5 patrons get to read Lighting the Way Down in epub formats, and my 10$ and up patrons get to read the second section of En Pointe, a very fun section!
I’m finally really catching my breath here, and it’s pretty great to settle in and enjoy my desk and my computer setup! Lots of time to write, revise, edit, and format for all of you to enjoy!
Until next time?
Take care of yourselves, and each other!