On the Cusp of Starlight

Hello again, everyone!

It’s under a week until my next story, Silver Gray Starlight! I’m so excited for it to hit the virtual stands, and for all of you to get a glance. It’s the return of a fan favorite character, and I imagine you’ll all be very happy to see her.

To check out the synopsis and look into pre-ordering, you can head on over to Amazon, or Smashwords!

Also, if you didn’t see Eshie’s amazing art of Aureus and Patina, you should really check out the latest art over on my webpage! To see it all in a gallery, you can click here, or you can click here to see the updates which makes it easier to see what was added when!

Also, I’m not the only one with exciting release news!

Head on over to Callidus’s blog and you’ll get to see that they’ve got something coming soon, too… but don’t let me spoil it! Check it out, and get excited now!

People who subscribe to my Patreon for $5 or more get to read the first part of En Pointe this weekend! It’s a story of corruption, a story of clothing fetishry, and it’s outright delicious. People subscribing at the $10 tier already were able to read En Pointe, and this week they’ll be getting the first part of a new story about a super heroine who wants to make the world a better place, and may just need to struggle to hold on to her self along the way…!

All patrons get to read a weekly blog that’s only for Patreon talking explicitly about what I’ve been writing. It gets you a closer, more intimate connection here with me.

To learn more, head over to my Patreon!

That’s all from me for now, but look forward to another blog post

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