Happy 2022, and looking to the future!

Hello again, everyone!

It’s a whole new year… but this blog post has been written back in 2021 in an effort to keep myself from working too much for an entire week. As such, I’ll more be talking about the plans I have for 2022…

After wishing all of you a very happy new year!

2022 is going to be a very important year for me. Back in 2018 I sat down and decided to rewrite the original Silver Girl series because it was uh… let’s say… not my best work. I wrote it originally back in 2005, when I was only 18. Needless to say, few people are capable of writing the best work of their lives at such a young age. I’ve come a long way, learned how to accept edits and critique…

I’ve met so many people. Read so many stories. Had so many experiences.

The new drafts of the original 10 books that compile to make the full, original Complete Adventures of Silver Girl (which may eventually need a new name, it’s being debated for future-me to worry about) took a lot of time, and effort, and not all just mine.

I couldn’t have made this much progress without my lovely editrix, Kianna Skogseth. She was there for me through emotional troubles, she edited my books… What more can I say?

Rotem Dishon being the first artist I ever contracted for art will always be a very important person to these initial releases, even if Red Moon Rising, and the covers that follow, will be from new artists.

There’s just so many people for me to thank, and I’d forget someone if I tried to be thorough, so instead I’ll just make sure to thank Angie again for her loan of Pandora, evenĀ  if the evidence of her from before I wrote her is basically gone from the internet, which is a shame.

Listing out everyone I thanked with a dedication would be silly when they’re written in dedications, but I almost want to.

2022 will have the final story, Red Moon Rising, following shortly after the conclusion of To Serve and Obey which is book 9 of the series. It features magic, lesbian mind control, heroism, and so much more. I don’t want to spoil it, for a large amount of reasons, but you’ll definitely all be enjoying that!

Red Moon Rising is a long story, and will take us well into 2022. After that, I already have a lot more planned for all of you. This year even has a planned Halloween special, and sequels to some stories that I think you’ll really enjoy that aren’t even Silver Girl related!

But for now, I think that’s a lot said here. I’ll have more to say in the future, more to write, release… but that’s pretty good.

My $5 Patreon tier this week is going to get to read the conclusion to Wired into the Grid. $10 Patrons will get to read a story about a vampire… and $15 Patrons get to check out a fun story about a very sexy collection.

You can check out my Patreon to learn more… and if you’d like to chat with myself and other fans of my writing? You can check out my discord server! I hope to see you there.

That’s me, and I hope that you’ll all take care of yourselves…

and each other!

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