A Little Late, but Almost Well!

Hello, everyone!

I hope you’re all doing well. My recent bout with COVID seems to be cleared away. I’m hoping to be a lot more productive very soon.

The penultimate chapter of To Serve and Obey is coming so very soon! And that means the series is nearly through. It’s been a really fun time seeing people’s reaction to what’s arguably one of Silver Girl’s most important outings.

I really can’t wait to see what you all think of the ending!

As for my Patreon, this week my $5 patrons get a story about a gem collection, and both my $10 and $15 dollar patrons are getting to read the follow-up to the spy story I wrote a couple years back. The higher tiers get to read more things before anyone else!

I know this is very short, but unfortunately I’m still not quite 110% quite yet.

Hopefully next week I’ll be right as rain, and there’ll be no more worries about any of that! But in the meantime?

I hope you all take care of yourselves, and each other.

Oh, one last thing?

I am ill, but it doesn’t change that my birthday is coming up! February 19th!

If you’d like to support me via grabbing something from a wishlist on Amazon? You are currently able to do so here! No pressure, it just seemed like a fun thing to do. I hope no one pushes beyond their means.

But for now… goodbye for real!

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