Witchy Secrets, Frosted Gold, and Feline Finales

Hello again, everyone!

I hope you’re all doing well! A new release dropped this week, and it’s got one of the most anticipated chapters of the series!

Red Moon Rising Volume 3: Witchy Secrets and Frosted Gold available now!
Red Moon Rising Volume 3: Witchy Secrets and Frosted Gold available now!

In this volume, Silver Girl has been gone for too long. Before Aureus, Yana, or Lida can do anything about it, a woman from out of their past arrives to make things more difficult. Can they resist and come to Lucia’s rescue, or will they be victims themselves?

If you’ve been watching the red moon rise… you won’t want to miss out on this!

You can find a copy on Smashwords, or Amazon!

Want to get Volume 4 as soon as it’s available?

Preorder Volume 4: Oil and Entitlement on Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords!

That’s some good news, and if you want to see some sexy art by the same woman who gave us the cover of Red Moon Rising? Head on over to my website’s art section! I think you’ll be as pleased with it as I am!

Over on Patreon this week, my $5 patrons get the final taste of The Cat that Got the Cream! Just what will The Veterinarian do with Meowden Mercy? What of her daughter? It’ll be posted tomorrow! Of course my $10 patrons read that last week, and now they’ll get to read the start of Rivaled Methodologies, a new cyberpunk release you should all enjoy. Finally, my $15 patrons are getting the second part of two, so if you want to read the most from me you can this week? That’s where you’ll want to aim.

I’ve added a new tier to my Patreon, but that tier may be becoming a way to get all of my writing in a simpler fashion. Rewards will be delivered in a different method than my standard, but I’m looking at making it so you can get your ebooks directly from there, too!

Don’t forget, on my Patreon I also talk about what I’ve been writing lately, and that’s even for a dollar a month!

But for now, that’s me!

If you’d like to chat with myself and other fans of my work?

Drop by The Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord server!

Until next time, take care of yourselves…

And each other!

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