Oil, Entitlement, and Cyberpunk

Hello again, everyone!

Red Moon Rising keeps heating up, and this week saw the release of Volume 4! This has some sexy slick heat, and some delicious drama.

Something for everyone to enjoy!

Red Moon Rising Volume 4: Oil and Entitlement is available now!
Red Moon Rising Volume 4: Oil and Entitlement is available now!

Pick up your copy today on Smashwords, or Amazon!

If you want to preorder volume 5, you may do so from Amazon, or add it to your library on Smashwords!

It’s only going to keep on getting better and better!

And what’s coming from me this weekend?

Rivaled Methodologies, my latest piece of cyberpunk heat about two women forced to compete with each other for a promotion, will be updating on my Patreon tomorrow–part 2 and part 3 for my $5 and $10 patrons! My $15 patrons get to read a tale of aliens, deep space, and eroticism. They already got to read the end of Rivaled Methodologies last week! To check all of these out? Drop by my Patreon!

My injury is still healing up, but tomorrow is the end of my no-writing vacation! I’m excited for it, and there’s a lot of exciting stuff coming your way!

You know where you can see what I’m writing, and more details like that?

My Patreon! So sub there, at any level! After this blog… I’ll be right over there! 🙂

Also, have you been reading Creirwy‘s stuff over on Read Only Mind? No? Well, you’ve got time, because it’s still there! Their work is absolutely astounding. Sexy, great characters, lots of fun stuff.

If you want to get more story recs, if you join the Mind Control Literature discord server I administrate, people share stories they liked, and ask for stories they can’t find/remember/want more like! It’s a good place to visit!

If you’d like to chat with more people who enjoy my work, and myself specifically? Drop by the Madam Kistulot’s Domain!

That’s it for now! Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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