Shimmering Updates!

Hello everyone!

Volume 6 of Red Moon Rising, Shimmering Self-Help, is now available!

When the only hope for Silver Girl is The Domina Argenti, can things look up for the Argent Avenger, or is it a matter of time before all of the women in Sarah LaSilvas’s life become slaves of the Nesatealia?

Red Moon Rising Volume 6: Shimmering Self-Help is available now!
Red Moon Rising Volume 6: Shimmering Self-Help is available now!

Grab your copy on Smashwords, or Amazon!

Additionally, if you subscribe to my Patreon at the new $30 tier, you can get each copy emailed to you the moment they release! Pretty cool, huh? The first release is Right Here!

Volume 7: Sparks, Mist and the Nesatealia is available for preorder on Amazon! You can also add it to your library on Smashwords!

But that’s not all from me this week–not even in the Midas City front!

Tomorrow, my $5 patrons get to read the first section of Path of Least Resistance–a story starring Livewire, the heroine from Rewired! My $10 patrons get the second, and my $15/30 patrons get the third! This story shows us another fate for the circuit-reading super heroine, and I think you’ll all enjoy it!

There’s a lot of great things coming down the pipeline this year! After this story will be a doll story, and after that? A 29 week epic.

Keeping the name a secret until  the week of 6/25 where we’ll get the first chapters released for my $15/30 patrons!

In the meantime, if you’d like to chat with myself or other fans of my writing? Check out my discord server, The Madam Kistulot’s Domain!

That’s all for me!

Until next week?

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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