Update From the Road

Hello again, everyone!

I hope that you’ve all been well.

I’ve been traveling as of late, visiting a nice little place in Michigan, then Chicago, then Peoria, then Monmouth, and now I’m up in Door County taking in the local color.

It’s very green.

Writers don’t need to write what they know, not whatsoever, but sometimes a gal needs fresh experiences to shake her out of a slump. Hopefully this will help me out a fair bit.

My next release edges closer and closer, and I promise, this will be a great place to check. Soon, once I’m back in Boston, I’m going to renew my efforts to actually write blog posts every week.

Working on my health, and mental health, has been… a difficult journey, but I think some very good things have come from it.

Hopefully everything normalizes soon, and all of you get to enjoy the results.

I know I’ll be cheering for that.

For now, take care of yourselves… and each other!

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