Happy Last Post of the Year!

Hello again, everyone!

This will be the last post of the year, but before we go into that?

There was one last release, and it’s available now!

Hypnotic Origins, the story of how Jesse Colloten became The Lady, is available now!
Hypnotic Origins, the story of how Jesse Colloten became The Lady, is available now!

This is a story I’ve been wanting to tell for years, and it’s something people have been wondering since The Lady first appeared back in 2005! If you’re interested in a tale of erotic lesbian mind control that explores the journey of a beloved member of the Silver Girl cast?

Pick up a copy on Smashwords or Amazon today!

So, it’s the end of 2023. After Sunday, it’ll be 2024. I can kinda hardly believe it!

2023 was a year that I spent making a lot of decisions that didn’t really work out for me. Being stubborn sometimes just means you keep things going far longer than you should.

It was also a year where I saw a lot more of the country. I spent time in Chicago, in New York, and in Wisconsin. I saw museums, musical acts, fish bakes, and ate so much new food. I finally understand why New York, and Chicago, both brag about their very different pizzas!

They’re both good, as long as you keep pineapple far away from them!

I traveled by plane, train, and automobile. Literally all of these things.

I went through so many dental surgeries, and I released the longest story that I’ve ever written!

2023 was a long year full of ups and downs… but while I didn’t release the most this year, and next year might involve some catching up… 2024 is going to be a year I put in a lot of work to get you all a lot more.

Take care of yourselves, and each other…

And happy new year!

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