A Very Kistulot Birthday!

Hello, everyone!

On Monday, I’ll be celebrating my 37th birthday!

It’s been nearly 20 years now since I started writing online with the pen name “Madam Kistulot” which would become M. Kistulot for Amazon and Smashwords.

In the time that I’ve been writing it feels like the world around me, and my own personal life, has changed so many times. Beyond the obvious sorts of things, getting older, witnessing all the same events as everyone else, I’ve gained friends, loved ones, lost connections, changed who I was and what I was hoping for… and so much more. I can’t even begin to fathom all of it…

…but at the core of it has been my writing.

I met so many people thanks to my writing, even before it became a career. I was able to exchange emails with trilby else, cohost a podcast with Callidus, converse with EyeofSerpent…

I’m hardly the person who deserves anything near the lion’s share of the credit for ROM, but the project was started in the Mind Control Literature Discord and I’m happy for my role in that, small as it was.

The community has grown, and evolved, and I’ve been so glad to be a part of it even as my involvement has changed over time as well.

37 isn’t a very special number, but this year definitely feels like one that’s going to turn out to be very important.

Thank you, all of you, for reading my work, whether you’ve ever bought a book from Amazon or Smashwords, or supported my Patreon.

I hope that you’ll all take care of yourselves, and each other.

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