Not a Fun Update to Make

I would like to apologize for my minimal, and sporadic, updates as of late.

Every time that one health problem seems to abate, another gets a little bit louder. It’s been supremely difficult to manage very much productivity, and as a result, it’s been very difficult to have very much very interesting to say.

At this time I’m considering if I should delay these updates until my health is able to improve enough to make it worthwhile.

In the meantime?

Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and I would urge you to look after your health as much as possible! A lot of what I’m dealing with isn’t necessarily anything that I could have done a lot about in advance… but I’d still like there to be something positive to express about all of this. Somehow!

Please consider checking out my works on Amazon or Smashwords, or supporting me on Patreon. Not a lot is being properly accomplished at the moment, but the support helps me not push myself during this trying time.

Take care of yourselves… and each other!

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