Hello, everyone!
I hope you’re all as excited as I am! Ahhh! The Argentum Project is finally coming out, and you all get to enjoy this release weekly! That’s right, I’m not going biweekly for awhile… it’s going to be week, by week, by week!
Each release is going to have a sizable chunk of story and heat, both. Some will have multiple sections inside, but none of them are shorter than 13k. Even those shorter sections are full of some delicious lusty fun!
So, to start things off right… check out The Argentum Project Volume 1: Bound Ambition

You can find Volume 1 on Amazon, and on Smashwords! Look forward to later volumes ending up both places, too!
So, obviously… that’s my most exciting news of the week! I’ll have more exciting news, but that’s a pretty big deal. The Argentum Project… I can’t understate what an important story it really is for Silver Girl as a series, and for me in specific. It’s long, sure, but it reshaped the way I think of character driven fiction. It reshaped the world of Sarah LaSilvas in a way that’s truly dramatic, and can’t be easily put into words.
So check it out, and see what you think! Please leave a rating/review if you can!
Other news, well, my Patreon campaign continues nice and bright and cheerful! People seem to really love their commissions, and I may end up expanding those slots in the future, or not, depending on how my hands fare. I’m so close to finishing up these rewrites, but I have other projects that I want to polish up for publishing, so we’ll need to see. In the meantime, please do check out my Patreon, and see a whole new way to get my fiction in your hands before anyone else!
With this month’s big obligations locked down, I’ve been very much working at finishing up this rewrite project, and that’s consumed a majority of my time… so I don’t have too much exciting to say! But I can say that I have a lot of good, fun, sexy things coming your way.
Until next time?
Visit me on the Mind Control Literature discord, or my personal professional discord, Madam Kistulot’s Domain
Take care of yourselves, and each other, and thank you for your support!