Hello, everyone!
I hope you’ve all had a good week! Before we get too far I’d like to first let you all know about this week’s release, and what I’m testing with releases moving ahead. Up this week, as I’m sure you all expected, is The Argentum Project Volume 10: A One Way Ticket to Lust!

You can get this on Smashwords, or Amazon!
At the same time, Volume 11: Arrival is also up for preorder! If you buy it now, on Smashwords or Amazon, you get it the moment it comes out! That’s some good convenience, right? Buy it now, and in a week you get to read the story without worrying about it. Of course, next week I’ll do the same for that release, and so on.
That’s the plan, anyway! If this works out, I imagine it could make everyone’s lives a lot easier, including mine. Worrying about pushing the button on Amazon is just… not pleasant, y’know?
Feel free to tell me if you like this, dislike this, etc! I’m always trying to learn how to do this better. I promise, all I’ll do is thank you for reaching out!
Speaking of Patreon however, I’ve unfortunately heard of yet another content creator in my niche who is being warned of their stuff being taken down. We’ll see where that goes, but if my Patreon vanishes? All you’ll need to do is head to this space to get an update about any alternatives I throw together.
Patreon used to make a point about respecting literature, but it seems it only does if it’s a certain “level” of fiction. I’m really tired of fiction like Game of Thrones masturbating to death and misery, but fetish porn? That’s tooooo far!
Reforming that aspect of our society will take a lot of conscious effort, and I do hope for that. Unfortunately, for now… that seems like a bit of a pipe dream.
A lot of what I’ve been doing this week has been prewriting for various future projects. Silver Girl won’t end after The Argentum Project, and I’m already planning for far into that future so I never hit a random, nasty stopping point. While names are all subject to change, naturally, a lot of progress has been made!
If you missed my AMA you missed out on a LOT of fun! There’s still the logs, though! If you head over to The Madam Kistulot’s Domain, my discord server, you can read it now! Modren, the writer of Whiteout, even made it a crossover event! You should read that, because Modren and I may, if all goes well, be working on a future project together that makes me all kinds of exciting!
I’ve also been rereading through a friend’s older writing. Omega Girl and Silver Girl were never very solidly interlinked in a lot of ways–more like the way Superman and Spider-Man were suddenly in the same world and share continuity/etc without a lot of that bleeding over beyond their crossover books–but I intend on having Lacie Ann show up in a future story, too. I’m only not linking to J. Darksong’s works because the other night when I mentioned these plans last, he bemoaned them needing a rewrite and I don’t want to embarrass anyone.
Other good stories I’ve read recently? I haven’t mentioned Skaetlett here nearly enough I think, which is my bad entirely. They do some amazing work, and I recently read my way through How To Pay Your College Loans, which you should check out if the concept of a woman selling herself into slavery to pay off her loans appeals to you. It’s a lot of fun!
Skaetlett, Modren, and frequently-mentioned Doctor D. and Callie are all going to be at Virtual Charmed this year! They’ll be discussing writing erotica from a hypnokink perspective! Sign up here to hop aboard that!
What else is there to discuss? OH! Hypnotic Harlequin, a writer I’ve enjoyed for some time, has a new story you should check out! Dating Doctor Danger is incredibly sexy, and fun, and full of possibilities my mind will be wandering around for awhile. You’ll want to read this one!
Hrm. That’s a lot from me this week, huh?
More coming from me this weekend. Simon already has my latest release in his inbox!
For now, take care of yourselves… and each other!