The fully compiled Argentum Project is now available! You can get it in paperback, or ebook form so you can take it with you everywhere whether you can recharge or not! I know most of you prefer reading digitally, but having things on a shelf excites me a lot. Sadly, author copies take longer than yours, but when it arrives I’ll be sure to show you how it looks!
Its my first new epub, and paperback release for 2021, starting things off with a bang! Things will continue every other weak, moving on to our next series… the Ink Slick Preamble.
Each new arc feels like a turning point for this series. Much like Silver Eclipse changed everything in The Adventures of Silver Girl, and The Argentum Project changed everything that came before it, I’d like to think this trend continues. Building on everything higher and higher, here’s to the series continuing to impress!
New years are a time to make plans, and resolutions. For me, most of my plans have been writing related. Release plans. Work schedules. Art commissions. When I say my writing is my passion? I mean it. My focus has always been on my writing, and I’m so lucky to be able to focus on it like I can these days.
That said, my work over on Patreon and the EMCSA/ROM continues! To find out more about that, head on over to My Patreon!
For now, thank you all for reading! Take care of yourselves, and each other!
This is the first Thursday of the year! How’s your 2021 gone so far? Good, I hope!
I ended up a little under the weather this week, but getting that out of the way this early in the year isn’t the worst thing. That’s slowed down my word count, but it won’t slow down any releases!
Big news this week?
Read Only Mind is now live! I’m not a big fan of the name because it feels the very opposite of what it should be, but what is it? A new site to find erotic stories of the mind control variety!
It’s very accessible, more user-controlled than the EMCSA, and bound to be home to lots of great stories in the future! There’s already a lot of great content there, including stories from myself. Stop on by, read away, and thank me a little for suggesting the ‘read later’ option!
For the moment most of the stories are ones migrated from tumblr, or they’re also on the EMCSA, but you should still check it out. Get in on the ground floor if you’re a creator yourself, or if you’d like to be!
On Tuesday you’ll be able to get a copy of The Argentum Project all compiled into one singular volume! After that it’ll be time to start getting into ink… isn’t that exciting? It’s pretty exciting for me! I think you’ll all agree once it drops!
There’s never been a better time to join a Discord server to talk with myself and other fans of my writing, the Madam Kistulot’s Domain Discord! There’s also Mind Control Literature, a server for fans of all writers, and all sources of mind control eroticism! Check that out here!
For now, that’s all there is for me! Take care of your selves, and each other!
I won’t have a blog post until next week after the new year, so I need to get this out here now for it to be relevant! May 2021 be a year full of happiness and joy for all of you. That would be great for all of us to have a nice, happy, cheerful time. Things won’t magically fix overnight… but I wouldn’t mind if they did in quick order.
But this week has a new release… The Argentum Project Volume 12!
The Argentum Project Volume 12: Tinted Mirror Match
Available on both Smashwords and Amazon, you can now see the thrilling conclusion! Patina and The Domina Argenti, facing off for the fate of Midas City… and the world!
If you’d like to have all of it gathered up together? It won’t be out for another couple of weeks–releases are slowing down to every-other-week instead of every week–but you can preorder the compiled The Argentum Project now on both Smashwords or Amazon! The paperback will be up on Amazon soon, but not quite yet. Goodness it’s one heck of a big book, over 240,000 words… and over six-hundred pages!
This weekend a new Eleanor story will be coming out over on MC Stories! The third part will be up on my Patreon, so if you want to get to read it all right away… the $10 tier will hook you up with that right away!
What does the new year hold from me?
A lot of ink.
What does that mean? Well, you’ll be finding out very soon. Things are coming out slower from here on to help with reading, but I promise, hitting 26 updates this year is still going to get a lot of very fun stories. This year on the epub side is going to be a very Silver Girl focused year. I intend to have more sales throughout the year, but every release scheduled? That’s a year of Silver Girl!
If you’ve enjoyed Silver Girl, then I think 2021 will be a lot of fun for you!
For now, I hope you take good care of yourselves… and each other!
So, this week I made a little mistake. While trying to format this week’s release, The Argentum Project Volume 9: Te Nosce…
It accidentally ended up with the text of Volume 8 x.x
That’s really inexcusable, and I’m quite sorry. The problem has been fixed on Smashwords, and I’ve submitted the proper draft to Amazon. Hopefully this will be fixed in short order. For the meantime, please accept my humblest apologies.
That said, the fan who pointed it out DID get a free book of their choice, so I did at least do my best to reward the fan who reached out to me! 🙂
Volume 9 may have had a hiccup, but I think you’ll still really love where The Argentum Project continues to go!
The Argentum Project: Te Nosce
Available on Amazon (even if you buy it before it’s fixed–it’ll update soon!) and Smashwords!
The other day someone was asking me what Smashwords is, why I’m using it, etc… I didn’t even think to mention the benefit of “Oh, and I can actually tweak it on the fly”. It really is a perk…!
So, again? Really sorry about that, but as far as I can remember this is only the… second? Third? Blip like this in my three years, and nearly 100 ebooks on sale, so…
Not so bad, I daresay!
But, that off to one side… don’t forget! The entirety of the Tomes of Modern Magic series is on sale on Smashwords! Use the code VY48S at checkout and save on either one, or both!
I’m a really big fan of Gift of the Sorceress, personally, and $1.99 for a 36k story? That’s gotta have some value to it, right? Check it out! Doesn’t it just have an amazing cover?
Gift of the Sorceress
Another thing you’ll want to remember is that Tomorrow, Friday the 11th of December 2020, I’ll be hosting an AMA for The Adventures of Silver Girl! There’s a PDF inside of the appropriate channel in my discord server, and I’d be very happy to have you! The 15th anniversary is a really big deal to me, and I’m super excited to continue the celebration!
I’ve been continuing to simply adore The Kat Came Back by SoVeryFascinated. Please reach out, praise them, let them know just how much it’s loved so they keep writing more! I don’t want them to stop creative for the archive due to a lack of feedback!
Rumor has it that Callidus is working on something special. I don’t want to tip their hand for them, but you should keep aware of their stuff–read their story, Compliance and Acquisition, on MCStories and give feedback there, too!
That feels like enough from me for the week!
For now, I’ll bid you all adieu and ask that you take care of yourselves… and each other!
I hope you’ve all been well, and that you’ve been keeping up with The Argentum Project! It’s been a great project to work on, and even better to see people enjoy!
The latest Volume, part 3, is up now, and you should really give it a look!
The Argentum Project Volume 3: Silence is Golden, Submission is Silver
There are still a few more days for my Halloween Screams sale, by the way! The entire five-part series is on sale on Smashwords for 25% off with a code you can only find on my discord! Check it out if you like saving money, and Halloween themed erotica!
And that’s a fair bit of fun to start off an update with, I think.
This weekend is Halloween! A fun holiday if ever there was one. Masks, candy, staying in doors and practicing social distancing, all of the fun is there! I’m not the sort of woman who goes to parties or anything (who would have thought a writer would be reclusive) but I know this year has things a little different for everyone.
Hopefully you have some fun alternative plans, and if you need some suggestions? Beyond reading smut, this is the perfect time for a movie marathon. I’ve done years of Halloween films on Christmas, namely Hellraiser, Nightmare on Elm Street, and the Child’s Play/Chucky franchise. Hellraiser is a lot of fun with a few big duds later on in the series (though the latest is quite fun!), Nightmare is a constant up and down, and Child’s Play surprisingly got better as the films went on.
I haven’t seen the remake, and it’s divorced from the original people so I wouldn’t really want to, but Cult of Chucky? Severely underrated film.
The Treehouse of Horror series is a big one for me, too. I tend to watch those every year, though I haven’t gotten to it yet this time around.
Whatever you read, or watch, or do? I hope you have a great time. Another film recommendation would be for the 1986 film “From Beyond”. It’s rent or buy from Amazon video, but I’m sure you can find it lots of other places, too. Good classic Stuart Gordon horror flick with Jeffrey Combs. Can’t go wrong!
I hope that you’ve all been enjoying The Argentum Project! Reintroducing old characters through a new lens is always something I adore doing as a writer… and this series is basically this to a ‘T’. Not every idea previously explored will be visited again in this rather hot, fun exploration of Midas City, and plenty of new fun ones add to the mix… I really enjoy seeing things from a new angle.
What better angle than from the comfort of a nice, warm Hot Tub with some Hot Fun?
The Argentum Project Volume 2: Hot Tub, Hot Fun
You can pick up your copy of Volume 2 now, on either Amazon, or Smashwords!
To make sure your flow of Silver Girl is uninterrupted, I’ve been hard at work both working on future stories, and at future projects that interlink! Seeds are set in this story that will pay off in unrelated stories, and so on. My hope is to help make the Silver Girl universe sprawling and fun. I think you’ll all get a lot out of some of the fun, sexy directions its sure to go.
After all, there are so many sexy things to do with super heroines… far more than can be contained to only one series, like The Adventures of Silver Girl.
I want to do more of that series eventually, but right at the moment I was just a bit too busy with other projects to have it ready in time. Next year, I’ll be doing my best to have the sixth entry up and ready to go.
For the near future, Amazon and Smashwords will continue to see more and more of The Argentum Project, showing Patina’s sterling exploits as she makes Midas City a safer place. I hope you’re all eager to see what comes next!
In the meantime, Callidus, who you might remember as an excellent photomanipper and the host of the Black Room podcast, has a story going up on the EMCSA! It’s been sizzling hot so far, and you should all check it out! Compliance and Acquisition is free, so you have no excuse!
There are plenty of other great stories there, and I have one going up every week! If you want to see them before anyone else, my patreon campaign is as ever the place to go.
I have some new words to write so I’ll cut this off here, but I hope to see you all here next week for more updates on what I have in store for all of you… as well as recommendations, and other little sexy things that catch my eye!
Oh, and I’ve ordered a bit of sexy art to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Silver Girl, but it’s going to be a bit late… so I might order a second, just to make up for it.
Still, look forward to that!
Until then… take care of yourselves and each other!
I hope you’re all as excited as I am! Ahhh! The Argentum Project is finally coming out, and you all get to enjoy this release weekly! That’s right, I’m not going biweekly for awhile… it’s going to be week, by week, by week!
Each release is going to have a sizable chunk of story and heat, both. Some will have multiple sections inside, but none of them are shorter than 13k. Even those shorter sections are full of some delicious lusty fun!
So, to start things off right… check out The Argentum Project Volume 1: Bound Ambition
The Argentum Project Volume 1: Bound Ambition
You can find Volume 1 on Amazon, and on Smashwords! Look forward to later volumes ending up both places, too!
So, obviously… that’s my most exciting news of the week! I’ll have more exciting news, but that’s a pretty big deal. The Argentum Project… I can’t understate what an important story it really is for Silver Girl as a series, and for me in specific. It’s long, sure, but it reshaped the way I think of character driven fiction. It reshaped the world of Sarah LaSilvas in a way that’s truly dramatic, and can’t be easily put into words.
So check it out, and see what you think! Please leave a rating/review if you can!
Other news, well, my Patreon campaign continues nice and bright and cheerful! People seem to really love their commissions, and I may end up expanding those slots in the future, or not, depending on how my hands fare. I’m so close to finishing up these rewrites, but I have other projects that I want to polish up for publishing, so we’ll need to see. In the meantime, please do check out my Patreon, and see a whole new way to get my fiction in your hands before anyone else!
With this month’s big obligations locked down, I’ve been very much working at finishing up this rewrite project, and that’s consumed a majority of my time… so I don’t have too much exciting to say! But I can say that I have a lot of good, fun, sexy things coming your way.
I hope you’ve all been doing quite well! I’ve been wrestling with Amazon over my paperback release, and I have an update on it, even if it’s hardly the news I want to have.
According to the customer service rep I spoke with, there was a kludge in the queue that publishes paperbacks, and my book got caught up in the mess. That’s not especially pleasant, but there’s nothing anyone can do about it. This unfortunately only fixed as of yesterday, so I had to basically start the publishing process over again, and given the 72 hour counter started all over again. That means hopefully it should be published by Saturday.
I know paperbacks aren’t a big thing for fetish smut, but honestly part of what convinced me to start this project was the allure of having my words on a shelf! At times it’s been stressful, but that’s never stolen from the fun of my words all in a row.
In the meantime, you can still pick up a copy of The Argent Road in ebook format on Amazon, and if you haven’t caught up, you’ll want to… because next week is the start of The Argentum Project!
The Argent Road – available now!
I can hardly believe it, in just a few short days compared to the start of this project, we’re going to see the start of the next major arc. The Argentum Project was originally released in 2007, after The Memory Remains in 2006 took such a very, very long time to finish.
While The Memory Remains is a somber tale about recovery, The Argentum Project is what happens after our heroine brushes herself off, and rises to the next challenge she’s set herself.
It’s a really good time, and while it doesn’t abandon the darker themes of the series, it isn’t quite as somber.
I’d also like to make a couple of fiction shout-outs! Callidus, who you may remember from the podcast I’ve cohosted The Black Room is finally releasing a story that I had a hand in encouraging! His captions have been great for years, and his prose isn’t half bad either! Check out Compliance and Acquisition over on the EMCSA! You won’t regret it.
Another fun story recently concluded, Modren’s Trigger-Happy Girl Hunt. It’s a hell of a trip, and I for one have really been enjoying the way Modren weaves a scene of the ol emc. Check it out, another must-read!
For now, that’s me!
I really should update the ol website, but I’ve been stubbornly hoping to have another link to add. Serves me right, huh?
In the meantime… you can join me and others in my personal writing discord, the Madam Kistulot’s Domain,or in Mind Control Literature a more generalized server for all of your erotic mind control literature needs! We’d be happy to have you in either place… or both!
Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!
I hope that you’ve all had an absolutely wonderful week! Mine’s had some bumps, but it sure is hard to feel too poorly when your air goes from toxic, to clean! As someone with asthma, air quality is a very real concern. Thankfully, that’s not an issue for the moment! We should probably do a bit more about that long term, but that’s not why you’re all here! 🙂
My first big topic of the week is that I plan on slowly putting my Amazon releases up on Smashwords. KU has been less than profitable for me lately, and I really haven’t enjoyed the exclusivity from the start. As a result, every time I release a new story from now on, not only will it be up on Smash as well, but I’ll also be trying to throw up a few of my earlier releases!
KU terms are for 90 days, so unfortunately some of my stories renewed before this could be changed. Sorry to say there. However, I still fully intend on doing my best to make sure that, going forward, dual releases are maintained and my back library is more widely available. It’s also been brought to my attention that some sell erotic fiction on so I’m tempted to triple post, but that may be a bit much and I’m not sure the value. Let me know if there’s a place you wish you could buy my stories that allows direct submissions! iBooks, iirc, will not be too happy to accept most of my work…
Unfortunately, this will mean next week doesn’t have a Smashwords release, as it’s going to be The Argent Road, the complete compendium of the stories of The Argent Road that lead up to The Argentum Project.
These stories are Wherever I May Roam, Dust High, Misted Facets, Nocturnal Interlude, and Informant. There’s also going to be a paperback! Look forward to all of that hopefully going off without a hitch next week. I’m definitely eager to get my copy on a shelf! I quite respect/understand if you’re more concerned with a digital version. That tends to be how I read most of my smut, too.
So that’s what’s up next for Amazon: a compilation! I know, that’s not very exciting… but what’s going to come after that? That’s a fair bit exciting!
The Argent Road – coming soon!
Sadly, some of those stories are still in Kindle Unlimited, and it was either not release the compilation in both places at the same time, or expect everyone to grab up all of the individual pieces before the next big story starts to flow. Hopefully I’ve made the right decision. Let me know if you disagree! I’m certainly happy to hear feedback.
I’ve been doing my best to work up a buffer, because my next story release is going to be a rather big deal… for me, anyway!
The Argentum Project!
This story was originally 100k, the longest of the original series! However… I kinda found that it wasn’t really living up to its potential. Most of the series has become a fair bit longer as a result of this, but when you take a 100k story, and extend sequences, really let them flow and linger and be the hottest they can be, well…
You end up with a story that at the moment is about 245k. That’s 245,000 words!
I’ve done my best to make this story the hottest thing I’ve ever written, and I think it does a great job of achieving that goal. Lots of twisted fetishy heat. Lots of deep character moments. There’s a lot of varied forms of control, and one of the biggest casts the series ever gets! Some old enemies, and new friends…
For the first time, I’d like to show it off to all of you–the cover of The Argentum Project!
The Argentum Project – Coming Soon!
As you might imagine, 245k is… a lot of words! The original story took me a long time to write at 100k, and this one took a very large chunk of the year to get this far. Editing is on going, but…
I’m going to try something a little different with this release! We’re going back to Silver Girl’s serial roots!
No section will be released that isn’t a complete experience, while still being a part of the greater whole. When it’s finished the story will be compiled, as I plan on continuing to do with my stories once they get long enough.
Additionally, there won’t be weeks between the release! It’s going to be week, after week, after week, until the series is complete! What I’ll do right after is still up in the air. I have a few plans in mind. However, a week after The Argent Road’s compilation releases… TAP will begin to release, too, simultaneously on Smash and Amazon!
I hope you’re all looking forward to it! I know I am!
That’s been taking up a LOT of my mental focus as of late… but don’t worry, I’m planning to keep right on going! My hope is that I can release the rest of the original series of Silver Girl, rewritten to perfection, without pause! The world is in a chaotic place at the moment, but hopefully you’ll be able to rely on my smut for some fun distractions.
Until next time, take care of yourselves… and each other!
Earlier this week I released my first new Amazon release for awhile! Exciting, isn’t it? Sorry that this took me so long–genuinely! It was not intended, and certainly not my hope.
Thankfully, my writing has been flowing much more freely again, and I have a lot more projects on the horizon, including the next volume of the ongoing Adventures of Silver Girl!
But before I get ahead of myself? Elven Superiority is out now! Originally born from a commission, this story has only expanded from that point and I think you’ll all be very happy with the results. If the sound of elven magics, scent based control, and more appeals to you for a slice of lesbian mind control erotica, well… you can’t afford to miss out on Elven Superiority!
Elven Superiority
It was a very fun story to initially write, and I’m rather sure you’ll all agree that it’s a very fun story to read too.
As for what the future holds?
I’ve been hard at work in a lot of different directions. My secret project continues on, secretly, with the first release for it nearly ready. I want to time it properly so it all comes out in a good flowing order. It’s planned for a serial release, so I hope you’ll all be looking forward to it!
Similarly, the next major Silver Girl release, The Argentum Project, is also being prepared for a serial release schedule. It was originally released serially, and I haven’t experimented with this via Amazon much in the past, but I’ve heard of others (readers and writers alike) attesting to fun with the format… so it seems worth a try!
I also have other projects that are being kept fairly quiet until at least next month. I hope you’ll continue to join me on this adventure. There’s so much more fun lewd content to create, and to consume!