Penultimate Post, Penultimate Volume!

Hello, everyone!

I could have planned Volume 11 of 12 dropping on the penultimate week of the year… but I didn’t! I just did my best to keep to a release cycle!

After this year I’ll be slowing that down–I’ve gotten a lot of feedback that I’m simply releasing too much too quickly–but don’t worry! I’ve got plenty coming your way… like Volume 11: Arrival!

The Argentum Project Volume 11: Arrival
The Argentum Project Volume 11: Arrival

Things are nearing the end. There’s only one volume after this! Don’t miss out, get your copy now on Smashwords or Amazon!

Want to get Volume 12 the moment it drops? Preorder it now, The Argentum Project Volume 12: Tinted Mirror Match, up on both Smashwords and Amazon perfect to get yourself a little something for the very end of the year!

Can you believe in two weeks it’ll be 2021? Or, as I saw an awesome tweet call it, 2020 Turbo? (I woulda gone with EX Alpha Plus myself, but I always take jokes too far.) I hope your holiday seasons have all gone, or go, well! Happy Solstice to those of you who celebrate the changing of the seasons.

This year really has been abysmal for a lot of reasons, but I want to stop and take a moment to thank each and every one of you reading this. Even if you just buy a book or two here or there, support this or that, stop by my discord server, if you’re supporting my work? It means the world to me. I would not be able to have the life I do now without my incredible fans.

Everyone says they have the best fans, and I completely understand why. Other people mean it when they say it too, I’m sure. Having people here to support me and my work is so exciting! It really enriches my life, and makes me want to do everything I can to make all of you happy, too. That means constantly trying to put out the best smut I can!

Next week we’ll be finishing The Argentum Project, and this weekend, the EMCSA and my $5 patrons are getting a glimpse of Chronos from a different point of view–Windy’s! You can already read it for $10, along with the sneak peak for Homecuming Part 2! Check all of that out on my patreon, here!

That’s me for now, but I hope you all really can find some love, comfort, and warmth. If nothing else, I hope you can find a good book to keep you smiling.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other!

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