Ink Around the Corner

Hello, everyone!

This week has gone surprisingly quietly on my side of things. I’ve had plenty of stuff keeping me occupied of course, but the world at large seems to be letting me focus on getting things done… so that’s appreciated!

It has been close to three months or more since I’ve gone further than my mailbox, but that has meant I’ve churned out plenty of fun stories for all of you to enjoy! My support to everyone who is commuting during these difficult times.

That said, next week will finally have the first Inky Prelude dropping! Are you all excited? Because I am very excited!

Poetic License – Now available for preorder!

This story is the first of a series that I think you’ll all quite enjoy. If you’d like to jump on this now, you can add it to your library on Smashwords, or preorder from Amazon!

I have another release dropping this week over on the EMCSA and ROM, namely a story called Golden Snare. Eye fascination, pendulums, coins, and a strap-on! What’s not to love? If you want to read it now you can over on my Patreon at the $10 tier, as well as tomorrow you’ll be able to see the second half of a story my $10 patrons got to see last week!

That’s all from me for the moment! I hope you all continue to enjoy, and that you  take good care of yourselves and each other.

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